Chapter 20:

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guys this chaptr might not make any sense if your on your phone or ipod cause there's italicized words meaning what their writing so i suggest you look/read it on the computer!!!!

Chapter 20:

We get dressed quickly, and open the door. When we open the door, it's Cinna standing in the door way, he looks very worried! He asks if he may come in, and we let him, he locks the door as he motions for us to take a seat on the couch.
"I know this isn't the best place or time to talk about this.." He starts, but I stop him and motion towards the papers and pencils.

"We need to figure out a few things!" Cinna says. "1. This marriage thing and how we're going to go about doing it. 2. Snow's death!" He passes the pad to Katniss and I to read.

"What about a public marriage proposal?" Katniss says. I don't like that, "Since we're actually getting married, I think I should get to chose how it goes." I say. Cinna looks at us again. "Okay, so what about Snow?" Me and Katniss look at each other. "When the time comes we'll deal with it."

Katniss says, "Cinna, me and Peeta are actually getting married, because we really do love each other, it's not just an act!" Katniss says aloud! "I thought you would, I knew it wasn't an act all along!" Cinna says, "Well, I'll leave you two be!"

After the talk, we stop in the rest of the Districts. Doing the same routine. Then we get down to 1, the Capitol is all me and Katniss are dreading! We make it through 1, and head to the Capitol. When we get there, it's not the same bubbly, colorful place it usually is. There are signs everywhere that read, "RIP Snow" And stuff like that. Katniss and I just look at each other and grip each others hands.

That night, on the stage before the Training Center, we bubble our way through a list of questions. Caesar Flickerman, in his twinkling midnight blue suit, his hair, eyelids, and lips still dyed powder blue, flawlessly guides us through the interview. Then he asks us about the future, I look at Katniss and smile, "Well now, that's a secret between Katniss and I !" Katniss and I laugh to ourselves, then Caesar says, "Ahh, so we're not going to know if you guys are going to get married or not?" Katniss grips tighter all of a sudden, I look down at her, with question in my eyes as if "What's wrong?" she answers me with her eyes, "We're on TV! Our parents!" I just say, "Caesar, that might have to be a question for another interview!" Caesar just laughs with the crowd as we're guided off the stage.

We're lead to the party, held in the banquet room of Snow's (well not anymore) mansion. The forty-foot ceiling has been transformed into the night sky, and the stars look exactly as they do back home! I suppose they look the same from the Capitol, but who would know? There's always too much light in the city to see the stars here. About halfway between the floor and the ceiling, musicians float on what looks like white fluffy clouds, but I can't see what holds them up. Dining tables have been replaced by fluffy sofas and chairs, some surrounding fireplaces, and there's a large dance area in the middle of the floor. But the food! The food surrounds the entire room! I want to eat everything! That's when the music starts.....

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