[CH - 7] Kidnap

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Omg you guys. 654 views?!?!?? AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! I am so into this book that I feel determine enough to go spend some time to find a good plot. Welp. Thanks a lot guys and I hope I get better soon!
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Timeskip to 3 days later~
Geno's POV
My alarm went off waking me up and then suddenly falling off my bed.
I got up slowly and rubbed my back from where I fell. Suddenly I hear the shouting from downstairs.


"I'm up moooooom"
"Ugh, Mondays are terrible," Error said
"That's right broski"

Soon we had breakfast which was pancakes because Mom wanted to make us happy on a Monday morning. She was really a nice lady. We then packed our bags and went to school.

As I was going through my locker, someone bumped into me. I quickly turned around and I saw.........

"Geno?!" Dust said, looking at me as if was scared. My eyes turned red and blue and Dust suddenly stops me.

"Wait wait!! It wasn't me that attacked your friends!"
"Whaddaya mean? I saw you helping Swapfell!"
"Stop. I have split personality. If I take off my glasses I become Murder Sans. Swapfell somehow persuaded him but he has changed his mind. I am pretty sure he will be sorry!"
"Your psychopathic personality almost killed us!"
"Well I want to say that I am truly sorry and I didn't mean it. It is also funny to not to be the only monster with determination,"
"Wait, you have determination too?" I was shocked. I thought I was the only one!
"I don't have as much determination as you to conjure a reset button but I can live a little past death," Dust said happily to see me. His large red glasses somehow glowed.
That is creepy.

"Anyway, lets get to class before our history teacher kills us," I said as I walked to History with Dust on my side. I finally felt a little free.

I am not the only one

Timeskip to night!

Reaper's POV

I was utterly tired for the day that the moment I stepped in my home, I teleported to the couch, not wanting to get up.

My mom came home from work and we both ate dinner in silence. She soon said that she needed to sleep so she went upstairs. She worked early in the day and comes so late at night. I feel really sorry for her.

I flicked the TV on and there wasn't anything usual. I watched MTT news until I felt tired myself.

As soon as I got up from the sofa. Two people grabbed my arms. I was struggling to get out of their grasp. It was so tight. I couldn't use my magic because I was drained for the day. Suddenly a person from behind put a cloth over my mouth until all I saw was black.

??? POV

As soon as the guy passed out, I ordered the other two to bring him back to base. As they carried him out to the car, I whispered,

"No one should be in the way of my love to Geno ~"

Error's POV
We all saw it on the news. Apparently Reaper got kidnapped and it showed a footage of inside the house. It looked like there was struggle.

I couldn't do anything to help Geno. He was freaking out like mad and was almost on the verge of tears. Even mom came to try and help Geno but he was so stressed.

"Don't worry Geno. Reaper is a strong person. No one can kill the guy," I said comfortably. Geno just whined in response. He was my brother and i had to look after him. Me and Fresh helped Geno get to school.

As soon as we arrived, some of Geno's friends came over to help him. We left him with his friends and then we got to class.

Reaper's POV

I opened my eyes slowly. Everything was blurry and it took a while to focus on the image. I was in a concrete room with me being tied to a chair.

"Wait, how did I get here?" I asked questionably.
Wait. Those attackers came into my house. They're gonna have a fucking bad time.

"Hello Reaper," a dark, ominous voice came from the dark.
"Who the fuck are you?! Get me out of here!"
"Oh Reaper that is very bad language. I kinda expected more from you," Suddenly a person came from the darkness.
"Swapfell you piece of shit, let me go!" I shouted with anger and fury filling my emotions.
"Oh sorry. A person begged me to kidnap you. So I'll let them do what they want with you," Swapfell smiled as he glanced at the other direction. Out from there came........

"Nightmare" I growled at him angrily.
"Hello, Reaper"
"What do you want?!" I snarled at him. He showed no sign of fear.
"Well, I want what you stole from me,"
"I did not steal anything from a pathetic piece of crap like you!"
"But you did! And I want it back now"
"What is it?" I asked as Nightmare smile evilly.

Dust's POV

As me and Geno came out of Art, we went straight to the cafeteria. There, Geno brought me to Error, Fresh and Ink.
"Why is he with you?" Error said pointing at me.
"Isn't he the one that almost murdered us broski?"
"Guys calm down. Dust was influenced by Swapfell. He is really sorry!"

"Okay! I trust him!" Ink said energetically.
"Count me in," Fresh added in.
"Still don't trust him,"
"Come on Error ma bro. He apologised!"
"Ok. But I will still have doubts," Error said glaring at me.

We then all calmed down a bit and we all talked. It was such a long time since I made friends. I actually felt happy. As we got up from the table, a couple of guys came up to Geno. He then punched him square in the ribs. Me, Error and Fresh immediately got up and tried to get to the bully until two other guys pinned Error and Fresh. I was running to Geno until someone punched my face.

My glasses were on the floor.

Geno's POV

I saw Dust glasses on the floor.
Oh no

"You son of a gun"
His voice was murderous as his eyes changed into the colour of blood red. Even Error and Fresh got a little intimidated seeing this.

"So this is how you want to play huh?" Dust cracked his knuckles and went immediately after the bullies. They were scared like little chickens. Dust punched them until he knocked them out.

"Luckily I have given you mercy. I have actually never given one so scram before I beat you up!"
The bullies immediately got up clutching their arms and ran away. Then Dust walked up to me. I was frozen on the spot.

"Hey. I'm sorry about what happened with the fight with Swapfell. Dust persuaded me to apologise. Please take care of him. By the way, the name's Murder. Call me when ya need me" He said as he put on the red round glasses. I noticed the change of atmosphere and I knew it was Dust.

"Are you alright?" I asked
"Yeah. Just a little dizzy"
Error and Fresh came running to me. I soon explained about Dust's split personality. They understood and we got home. We invited Dust over and we chatted until something was glitching on the side of me.

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