[A/N] Net neutrality

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Okey. I've seen this come up on my dashboard on tumblr several times and I have been asked several times on tumblr what I think about net neutrality.....

.....just saying I'm from England (god save the queen)...

Not saying that I don't give a shit about it. I am FOR net neutrality because there are so many of you wonderful followers from USA (or so I think) and the restrictions on the internet is too much. And I mean TOO much.
Paying money to use normal websites on the internet and playing games is not FAIR. I don't want to see people, emptying their pockets for this stupid shit. Apparently today they repealed net neutrality. Just because they have repealed this, doesn't mean it is over guys.

Imma gonna fight for all u wonderful ppl out there.

Imma gonna fight that punk who started this shit.

Fight me u stupid punk. (*spear of justice and megalovania intensifying)

Don't care if I'm from England.

U all deserve free internet.

And be able to read mine and many other wonderful books online.

Spread da word ma friends!!!!

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