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Taeyong is happily admiring the Tuxedo that Youngho and Yuta had chosen for his wedding, he just can't wait for Jaehyun to see him wearing it. His pretty pink lips is tugged upwards as he thinks about the day when he will officially be Jeong Jaehyun's, the love of his life and his heart swells up in happiness and love. Taeyong thinks that he is the luckiest man in the whole world because he has Jaehyun by his side, a loving family, friends and most of all, Yuta: his best friend who has his back, always.

"Just a few days left for the wedding." Taeyong is so occupied being in his own world that he doesn't hear the door creaking open, and Yuta slowly enters the room, which is painted in white with the Polaroids hanging on those walls. The room is clean and organised as it has always been and he sees Taeyong lying on the bed, a sad smile graces his lips and hands are shaking in nervousness: Taeyong is still oblivious of Yuta's presence, daydreaming about his lover.

The bed dips with the additional weight of Yuta and Taeyong looks at him, a beautiful smile, soft pink lips prettily stretched making his body warm but, it hurts his heart. Taeyong is looking at his best friend, waiting for him to say something but, Yuta speaks none. The feeling is different and the aura that Yuta radiates is something Taeyong hasn't seen before, hasn't known at all: he doesn't know what's wrong with Yuta and there is a sudden sinking of his heart when he notices that Yuta isn't smiling: hasn't smiled since he entered the room.

"Is there something wrong?" Taeyong asks as he sits up, worry evident in his doe eyes and brows furrowed, waiting for Yuta to say that nothing is the matter. Yuta is fiddling with his fingers on his lap and Taeyong notices this, it's something Yuta does when he is anxious and nervous.

"You can tell me anything, Yu." Taeyong's voice is so soft and it melts Yuta slowly but, surely. Taeyong holds Yuta's cold hands onto his and gently caresses with his fingers to soothe the wariness of his best friend. It's relaxing and his nervousness dies a bit, with slight trembling of his body Yuta looks up to meet Taeyong's doe eyes for the first time and all the emotions flood back into his body and mind, nothing to soothe that he reminds himself.

You won't ever understand.

Yuta doesn't know how long he can hold onto these feelings nor when will he be able to let go of Taeyong and bottle up all of his feelings and swallow them. But he knows that he needs to get it out off his mind and without thinking twice he spills,

"I love you." Yuta is waiting for Taeyong to look at him right in the eye with detest and say him that he is messing up their friendship of many years, the bond they have and he loves Jaehyun, his soon to be husband. What he doesn't expect is Taeyong to smile at him tenderly, doe eyes turning into crescents and caressing his fingers with butterfly touches.

"I love you, too. You are my best friend and you should know that." Taeyong chuckles with that melodic sound and Yuta can't help but let his heart shatter into million pieces. The sound of Taeyong laugh's is the most melodious sound Yuta has ever heard and albeit with his heart being shattered, there is a small smile on his lips. That was what Lee Taeyong has turned him into: a fool in love.

"You don't understand." There is a bit of irritation, hurt and disappointment in Yuta's voice when Taeyong doesn't catch up his feelings. Yuta has been hurting since forever, not being able to confess how much he loved Taeyong, to hold his hands while walking, to embrace him and offer him the love that Yuta has been bottling up.

"What are you talking about?" Taeyong asks searching for emotions on Yuta's beautiful face, to uncover his feelings but, all he sees is hurt and sadness. Not knowing what Yuta has been thinking makes his mind go crazy, they have known each other like the back of their hands and something isn't right, Taeyong knows that.

Yuta doesn't think that he can hold any longer so he leans forward and presses his lips on Taeyong's soft ones to tell him that it isn't the love Taeyong thinks it is, Yuta doesn't see him as his best friend, there is more to it. Yuta had always wanted to claim those lips, with eyes shut completely and heart pounding in a fast pace, piercing his eardrums, he can feel himself being alive. He doesn't realize that tears are slowly streaming down his cheeks but, he just wants to feel Taeyong's lips on his.

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