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Taeyong slowly opens his eyes to see Yuta staring intently at him, he isn't used to Yuta's intense gaze and, couldn't help but let a faint blush decorate his cheeks. Yuta is so close to him and, he keeps on staring at Taeyong's lips, eyes darting from Taeyong's doe eyes to his pink lips.

"Then, what are you waiting for?" And, with that Yuta closes the distance between them. Taeyong's lips are so soft and, Yuta can feel his heart thumping so badly against his rib-cage that he is scared it might burst soon. He cups Taeyong's face as he nibbles on those cherry lips, sliding his tongue along the outline of Taeyong's bottom lips. Taeyong opens his mouth and, Yuta dips his tongue insides Taeyong's sweet and hot cavern, swirling their tongues together and, sucking on Taeyong's tongue, making him moan sweetly. Yuta is still on knees when he stands up without breaking off the kiss, tracing every inch of Taeyong's hot cavern and biting Taeyong's lips softly when Taeyong has his fingers entangled in Yuta's soft locks. Taeyong pulls away to take his breathe while Yuta sits on the couch, panting and eyeing the hot mess that's Lee Taeyong.

Pink hair tousled in different directions, pink lips slightly parted, doe eyes dazed and, an evident blush on the plump cheeks is truly a breathtaking sight to see and Yuta is smitten by him.

The kiss, it didn't feel wrong. It felt as if those lips were familiar. Taeyong could feel his heart nearly combust when Yuta dipped his tongue into his hot cavern, he felt so loved and now he wanted more of that forbidden love, which is Nakamoto Yuta.

"So...... what now?" Yuta draws out slowly, trying to look as indifferent as he can because giving away his emotions will only make him look more vulnerable than he already is.

"Didn't you say that you won't regret loving me?" Taeyong holds his breathe when Yuta looks at him confused, albeit nodding and, he gathers all of his courage to sit on Yuta's lap. Carefully eyeing Yuta's confused gaze turn into shocked.

"Maybe it's your one and only chance to love me the way like you always wanted." Taeyong whispers softly, hands resting on Yuta's chest as he looks up from his thick lashes. And, Yuta's breathe is caught up in his throat as Taeyong looks so shy and innocent.

"I love you." Yuta whispers as their breathes mingle into one and Yuta leans to give a chaste peck on the older's nose. The act so endearing and innocent that Taeyong feels dizzy and warm. He shouldn't be when he already has Jaehyun but, he still does. Yuta doesn't expect Taeyong to say those words back, but still his heart cracks a little. So, instead of dwelling on that thought, he kisses Taeyong again, hoping that it will stop him for his heartbreak. 

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