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"They bicker like a married couple, don't you think so, hyung?" Jaehyun looks at his best friend, Doyoung and Yuta talking or more like bickering with fond gaze and, laughs when he sees Doyoung face contoured in plain disgust.

"No, I don't think so." Taeyong can't help but, feel bitter about it. Even if Jaehyun is surprised at Taeyong's cold words, he doesn't say anything.

"You know, you shouldn't be jealous of Yuta hyung dating others. He will still be your best friend. No one's gonna take him away from you." Jaehyun says playfully but, Taeyong is stuck on the word "Jealous", he can't be jealous of Yuta dating someone else. But, the thought makes him uneasy and, his stomach flips unpleasantly. No, Taeyong isn't jealous, he will never be. He doesn't love Yuta, he's just a friend and nothing more. But, what's the ugly feeling that bubbled up when he saw Doyoung and Yuta laughing with each other?

Taeyong doesn't know what came over him that he followed each and every movement of Yuta and Doyoung, both of them bickering, playfully hitting on each other's shoulder and most of all Yuta's beautiful smile that was thrown at Doyoung. Jaehyun was talking with Taeil, who happens to be Hansol's boyfriend (what a small world it is) and, Taeyong instantly follows Yuta who was going in Hansol's room to get the invitation cards.

"What were you doing?" Taeyong has a scowl on his beautiful face and Yuta nearly dropped the cards on the floor.

"You scared me, Tae." Yuta clutches his heart with a fake gasp as Taeyong inches closer to him, the cards long forgotten on the bed.

"What were you doing with Doyoung?" Taeyong asks again, annoyance dripping in his sweet voice and it has Yuta confused for a moment.

"What did I do with Doyoung?" Yuta asks him with confused gaze and then he starts blinking so adorably that has Taeyong wanting to kiss the hell out of Yuta. Wait, what?

"Were you jealous?" Yuta has a smirk gracing those plump lips as he takes the bundle of cards and Taeyong wants to wipe it off with his lips, it's so confusing yet heart fluttering at the same time.

"Why would I be jealous?" Taeyong throws him a glare to look intimidating yet he manages to look so endearing and squishy.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Before Yuta could reach the door, Taeyong has pushed him against the door, back nearly hitting the knob and the cards falling off from his grip. Yuta has his eyes wide in surprise as a pair of soft lips is pressed against his. Taeyong, his best friend is kissing him and, Yuta pulls Taeyong closer by the waist to devour the sweet delight that is Lee Taeyong.

It isn't sweet and slow, it's the urgent clash of tongues fighting for dominance, hips grinding on each other to tell how much they want it and both of them are addicted. Yuta breaks the kiss only to graze on Taeyong's earlobe and then starts sucking and biting on the collarbones. The whine that was about to come when Yuta left his lips, die in his throat when Yuta bites and sucks on his collarbone. Sweet moans escape from Taeyong's sleek lips as his head is thrown backwards with back arched. Taeyong's slender fingers make their way to Yuta's soft locks while Yuta has his hands inside Taeyong's shirt, fondling with his nipples and licking a stripe down Taeyong's nape.

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