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"Why can't you look at me like that? Why can't we be like those couples we see on the streets?""Why can't you look at me like that? Why can't we be like those couples we see on the streets?" Those words keep on repeating inside in head, nearly giving him a migraine. The hurtful expression still itched into his memory but, what scares him the most is that he is confused about his feelings. He shouldn't be when he's getting married in two days, when he has Jaehyun by his side. The thought of Jaehyun hurting makes it difficult to breathe, the tears slowly slip from his doe eyes as he muffles his sobs. It hurts, hurts to know what he did to someone as innocent as Jaehyun, who loves him endlessly. Is the guilt still there? Yes, it is but, the numbing of his heart makes it difficult for him to know towards whom he is more guilty.

"We need to talk." Taeyong hangs up the phone as he erases the tears with the back of his palm. He is doing the right thing, he should have done it way before. Taeyong gets up from his bed to wash his face and tears away.

"Hyung, is everything fine?" Jaehyun is worried and he looks a little tired too. It hurts Taeyong to see him like that. The tears stream down his cheeks as Jaehyun is horrified. Jaehyun pulls him towards the bed and hugs the older warmly.

"I slept with Yuta." Taeyong wanted to apologize first and then let him know the reason but, it just slipped away. He can feel Jaehyun stiffen but, he doesn't let go of Taeyong and Taeyong wonders why.

"I am so sorry. I am really sorry.......I...." And, Taeyong is a sobbing mess but, Jaehyun doesn't pull away, doesn't shun him for sleeping with another man when they are about to get married, doesn't accuse Taeyong of cheating on him and making a fool of himself. Instead he tightens his arms around Taeyong, plants a soft kiss on his hair and let the older cry until there are no more tears left. Taeyong doesn't deserve Jaehyun, he knew it before but now it's slapped against his face. Jaehyun deserves so much better than a cheater, Jaehyun deserves the world but, Taeyong is so scared to let go.

"We can postpone our wedding if you want." Jaehyun says softly as he is scared of hurting Taeyong when it should be the other way around. Taeyong doesn't understand how could someone be so forgiving when he was the one who hurt Jaehyun.

"I don't wanna postpone it." Dreads drills into his stomach as he waits for Jaehyun to speak. He's confused but also scared of letting him go.

"Hyung, I don't want to pressure you. Think about yourself, please." What is Jaehyun even talking about? Taeyong has been thinking about himself only and hurting Jaehyun. He can't bear to risk what they have. He was stupid to have given in to Yuta's request but, not anymore.

"I am sure about it." And, he rests his head on Jaehyun's chest, feeling the warmth invade him body but, not his heart.

"I love you." Jaehyun says it softly, with more tenderness and fondness. Taeyong doesn't know how to say it back. He had said it multiple times so why is he hesitating now?

"I love you, too." The words feel heavy on his tongue, maybe a little forced out as well but, Jaehyun doesn't say anything. And, Taeyong is glad.

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