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"Yuta, what's taking you so long?" Both of them freeze and realize what they had been doing. As if the touch burned their skin, both of them retreat away from each other. Yuta gathers the cards that had fallen on the floor and before he could clean the mess, the door opens to reveal Hansol, gaze confused and eyeing them warily. Their messy hair, sleek and bitten lips with the flush on their faces were a dead giveaway of what they had been doing but, Hansol quietly closes the door without glancing back at them.

"I am sorry, I really am." Yuta hurries before fixing his clothes and Taeyong blames himself for acting so stupidly.

"Are you really gonna let go of me? But, I don't want you to let go."

"Hyung, what took you so long?" Jaehyun asks as Taeyong takes a sit on the couch beside him. Hansol is at the corner talking with Doyoung and looks at Taeyong with a soft gaze. Taeyong doesn't answer him and looks away from Hansol, the action seen by Taeil but, he doesn't bother about it.

"Can you guys come tomorrow so you can see the little snippet of my arrangement?" Taeil asks as he stares at them with mild interest.

"Sorry hyung, gotta go for the fitting. But, Yuta hyung can accompany Taeyong hyung." Jaehyun says a little apologetic because he can't make it. Taeyong isn't so sure about going with Yuta though. After what happened a few days ago, Taeyong is so confused, Yuta is the only constant thing running in his mind and he can't help but picture them together. But, what about Jaehyun? It's so complicated now and Taeyong can't understand, doesn't want to understand. 

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