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"Taeyong, see this. It's so pretty." Yuta rushes at him with a Gardenia in his hands. The flower is really pretty, Taeyong admits it without missing a heartbeat.

"Here." Yuta pushes the pink strands behind his ear as he places the Gardenia on his ear, the white flower contrasting prettily with Taeyong's pink fluffy hair.

"How do I look?" Taeyong asks shyly as he meets those warm gaze, something inside him melts when Yuta smiles so fondly.

"Beautiful as always." Yuta whispers softly as his thumb caresses Taeyong's supple cheeks, his cheeks painted in a pretty hue of pink.

"Why can't you look at me like that? Why can't we be like those couples we see on the streets?" Taeyong looks at Yuta to meet those warm gaze, questioning as Yuta asks him. But, both of them know what the reason is, yet Taeyong can't bring himself to say it loud. Rather he avoids looking at Yuta.

"I think the Lilly of the Valley would be great. Oh and you should totally get that look for your wedding." Taeil comes with a bouquet of Lilly and Taeyong simply nods at him. Taeil can feel the awkward tension in the room but, the doesn't comment about it. It isn't his business and shouldn't be meddling either.

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