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The kiss this time isn't so sweet like the first, it's the clash of teeth, tongues fighting for dominance and biting of lips, that is so filthy yet passionate in every way. Yuta breaks the kiss to nibble on Taeyong's soft cherry lips and, tracing his lips along the older's jawline, leaving his skin burning in pleasure. His hands making their inside Taeyong's shirt, softly fondling with his nipples as he sets a wet trail of kisses on Taeyong's nape to his collarbone, licking a strip along the way and giving it a blow which sends a shiver down the older's spine as he arches his back in pure pleasure.

Taeyong's mind is dazed with all the pleasure that Yuta is giving him and the thought of Jaehyun is pushed at the back. Yuta's lips against his skin puts him into a blissful oblivion and Taeyong wouldn't admit that he likes it. The drag of Yuta's lips feels so good that sweet moans spill from those slightly parted cherry lips. Hips grinding against each other, sucking and nibbling on Taeyong's soft skin makes Yuta's skin burn with more desire to claim Taeyong as his. Yuta stands up as Taeyong has his legs wrapped around Yuta's waist while Yuta tightens his hold onto Taeyong's waist to not let him fall.

The walk to Taeyong's bedroom is slow as Taeyong kisses him with utmost desire and, Yuta nearly knocked both of them on the wall. Taeyong has his hands entangled in Yuta's soft locks as he peppers Yuta's face with kisses, the act so endearing only if they were lovers. Yuta pushes the door open and he puts Taeyong down, a whine escaping his soft lips soon muffled by Yuta's lips as he grinds their hips together, swallowing each of Taeyong's soft moans.

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