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Taeyong doesn't know when he fell asleep, maybe it was at dawn. His brain tired of thinking too many things which only consisted of that certain Japanese male with big and bright eyes. Taeyong falls asleep with everything that reminded him of Nakamoto Yuta, his big and sparkling eyes, his beautiful and charming smile and his soft touches.

There's a hand securing his waist tightly and Taeyong can smell a fragrance that is awfully familiar, yet his mind doesn't fathom who the person is.

"Yu......ta." Taeyong draws out slowly as he still hasn't fully woken up. Maybe because his best friend was the reason behind his sleepless night, that's why he suddenly thought about him.

"I feel so heartbroken." The person says playfully and sneaks his hand closer to intertwine with Taeyong's warm fingers. Taeyong's eyes shots wide open as he turns around to find his lover staring at him with amusement.

"Morning hyung." And, Jaehyun gives him a small peck on the forehead and ruffles his hair.

"I......I..." Taeyong stutters not knowing why did he even call for Yuta but, Jaehyun smiles his beautiful smile and those dimples peeking is so endearing which leaves Taeyong breathless.

"Hyung, why are you so cute?" Jaehyun says as pulls Taeyong into his embrace: warm and safe. Both of them falling on the bed and Taeyong has his head rested on Jaehyun's chest, can hear the erratic beating of his lover's heart followed by his own. Jaehyun is his haven and he feels so fuzzy and warm that it makes him forget about Yuta's misery and his guilt.

And, Taeyong falls into the slumber without any guilt. 

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