Chapter 14: Pinky promise...

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"What the fuck?!" I shouted staring at a smirking Pilar,

"Hey! Don't get mad at me! Alot of people put money on you, and plus we wanted to see how much you knew how to fight" Pilar says with a wink before pushing me towards the center of the yard with Chelsea,

"You scared?" She asks as I copy her actions of circling around,

"I don't even know what to do" I say nervously as she laughs,

"Then I guess I'll be the one beating the shit outta you tonight" she says throwing a punch as I blocked it with a gasp,

"Calm the fuck down!" I shouted as she lunges at me while I move to the side,

"Beat her ass!" Pilar shouted as I roll my eyes,

"Fuck that bitch up Jezzabelle!" Tazz shouted as I keep blocking her shots,

"Why you blocking?" Chelsea asks with a smirk as I try to keep my focus on her hands,

"You too pussy? Just like your little sister?" She asks with a wide grin as I froze,

Dis bitch literally just bring my sister into this shit?

"Yeah that's right, I heard about you. You in here for burning the guy that fucked your little sister" she says with a chuckle as I tried to control my anger,

"If it was up to me, I'd say she deserved it" She says with a smirk before I punched her right in the face as the whole crowd stood quiet,

She stumbled a little bit before rubbing her hand across from under her nose. She moved her hand as I noticed their was blood on her hand and nose. She glared at me before trying to tackle me when I hear the crowd screams get louder when I ended up pinning her down and started throwing punches.

"Fuck that bitch up Jezzabelle!" I hear bloody shout as I got up with her stumbling to get up,

"Come on!" I shouted as she came forward and I took one more swing across her face and all of a sudden she fell,

"Yes! We win!" Pilar shouted as I feel them crowd around me with cheers,

I know this was supposed to be a magical moment but for some reason I didn't feel like cheering. I looked down at Chelsea's non moving body as the guards took it away and felt a weird feeling inside me.

I looked into the crowd and saw Landon with a smile. His smile faded when he noticed that I wasn't smiling back. I looked at him with a nervous gulp before turning to my cheering friends. For some reason I started running back to my bunk hearing my name being called.

As soon as I was about to get inside my empty bunk a pair of buff arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back while the sound of the gate to my cell close. I turned to see a angry, worried, and confused Landon. He carried me towards my bunk before laying down with me still in his arms. He looked down at me waiting for an explanation as I sigh in defeat.

"I was fine with beating her up, but after I saw all the blood and everything...." I trailed along with a frown as he nods before pulling me onto his chest while rubbing my back,

"Its going to take some time to get use to it" He whispers as my head snapped up at him suspiciously,

"How come you always talk when I'm about to sleep or something?" I ask as he laughs,

"No! I'm not lying, you literally say something when I'm about to leave or sleep. What's up with that?" I ask as he looks at me with a perked eyebrow,

"Because I know you'll make a big deal out of it" He says with a smirk as I scoffed,

"No I won't! Talk to me, pleeeeeaaase!" I pleaded as he chuckles,

"If you promise not to make a big deal out of it, I'll promise to let you be the only one I talk to" He says with a perked brow as I nod my head,

"Pinky promise" I say putting my pinky out as he laughs before wrapping his pinky around mine,

As I tried to pull my finger away he pulled me down, since I was laying on top of him, he held my pinky as his lips landed on mine. I froze before kissing back. It stayed like that for a few more steamy minutes till I pulled back for air.

"What was that for?" I ask confusedly as he stares at me with a smile,

"Because I've been waiting to do that since the last time I did that" he says rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip,

"How come you never talked to anyone here?" I ask tracing his jaw line,

"No one here is worth talking to" he says with a shrug as I look at him with a perched brow,

"And I am?" I ask with a chuckle as he stares up at me in awe,

"Your worth to me is everything peaches" he says with a smile as I feel my face getting heated,

"Peaches?" I ask confusedly as he twirls my hair around his finger,

"You always smell like peaches when you bring down my food" he says kissing my neck as I gulped nervously,

"Wait" I say pulling away while remembering what Jenka told me,

"What's wrong?" He asks me with a worried look,

"It's not you, it's just.......I don't really have a good past with men in the picture" I say slowly as he nods,

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks as I shake the thoughts out of my head,

"Just hold me for tonight" I say with a nervous smile as he smiles back,

He wrapped his arms around my body securely before letting me lay on his chest hearing his heartbeat again. I yawned slightly before closing my eyes tiredly. It's been a long day , and the only way I reduce stress is by sleeping.

"I love you peaches" he whispers as I fall into a blissful sleep.

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