Chapter 22: Everything comes out...

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"What the fuck!?" I shouted as Cruz smirked at me while walking away with the recorder of what Landon just said,

"Now I finally have a reason to execute you Fringe, your going down this time for sure" The chief says as Landon stood up angrily as I glared at the chief,

"Don't get angry at me, I mean I wasn't the one who agreed to pretend to like you just to get the truth out so the chief can give me a shorter sentence" He says as Landon looked at him confusedly,

"Oh sorry, you don't know huh?" He asks as my eyes widened,

"Why don't you ask your little girlfriend there to explain to you about how she used you to get out the truth about why your here?" He asked with a smirk as my eyes widened while I shook my head,

"Dont believe me? Well why don't I show you her confession?" He says pulling his phone out with a chuckle as Landon looks at him suspicously,

"Did you want us to get your man to do something?" Tazz asks as I shook my head, 

"He's not my man" I say shaking my head as they look at me confusedly, 

"He's just an assignment" I say rubbing my arm as they exchanged looks, 

"What assignment?" They ask together as I sighed, 

"The only reason why we even started talking was because the chief wanted me to get out the truth about why he was sent here. Turns out his family was killed in some mysterious way and since he never said anything at court they threw him in here and the only way to get him to say what really happened with his family was by using the weakness everyone" I say with a scoff as they look at me shocked, 

"So what? Your saying that the months you've been spending with this man has meant nothing to you? Ever?" Bloody asks with a scoff as I shrugged, 

"I'm saying that the whole deal with the chief wasn't to actually fall in love, it was only to get close to him till he spills. Thats it." I say sternly as they look at me in disbelief, 

"And whats in it for you miss heart breaker?" Tazz asks shaking her head as I look down at my hands, 

"He promised to shorten my time if I get his full confession" I say as they shook their heads, 

"You do know that if that man downstairs right now, that loves you with all his heart, finds out about what you just said right now it will literally ruin his entire life" Tazz says crossing her arms as I shrugged with a sniffle, 

"Its not my problem okay. I wanna get out of here as soon as possible and if that means to break his heart then so be it! His heart break after confessing to me should be the only thing I plan on doing!" I say with a groan as they stared at me in disbelief,

Uh oh.....

Landon turned to me with a shocked expression with sadness flashed on his face as I shook my head.

"Landon......I-" before I finished Landon glared at me,

"Get out" he whispers as I looked at him confusedly,

"But I d-" before I finished he cut me off,

"GET OUT!!!" he shouted angrily as for the first time I was with him I felt fear rise up in my body,

"Im sor-" before I finished he grabbed my arm as I winced at his grip,

"Landon your hurting me" I said with a gasp as he opened his cell and threw me out,

"Dont ever come near me again" he replied before closing his cell as I looked at him in shock,

"Let me explain" I sobbed trying to open his cell as I noticed it was locked,

"Landon please" I say with tears falling from my eyes as he walked to his bunk before lashing out onto it flipping his mattress over and breaking the bars on it,

"Your work is done now, goodbye Miss Johnson" The chief says before I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist carrying me away as I screamed for the person to put me down,

"Have a good day Miss Johnson" The chief says closing the building door to Landons cell before locking it and walking away while leaving me on the floor as I sat against the door sobbing into my arms,

The bell for dinner to be over rang as I got up slowly noticing the sun was down. I wiped my puffy eyes before walking back towards my cell. Just as I was about to go up the stairs a strong grip grabbed my arm as I was about to scream before a hand went around my mouth.

"Where do you think your going pretty princess?" A familiar voice asks as I turned to see Chelsea with a bandage on her nose and a red eye,

"Your gonna pay for what you did to me newbie" She says as I looked around to see her and four friends surrounding me in what looked like the kitchen,

"This is for breaking my nose" She says punching me as I was to tired to fight back,

"This is for my eye" she says punching me again as her friend held me back tightly,

"Nobody messes with me, and I'll make sure you remember who I am" she says as she turned to the stove while her friend pulled a rag around my head to stuff it in my mouth as I shook my head when she turned on the stove,

"Your gonna burn bitch" She says with a laugh before pulling out a metal bar and burning the edge of it against the stove fire,

"No!" I shouted as the girls behind her pinned me down on the floor pulling my shirt up,

"Get off me!" I muffled out before noticing the burning metal bar she was pulling closely to my back,

"How bout putting a big letter C on her back girls?" She asked with a chuckle as they all nod with smiles,

"Stop!" I shouted before I felt the scorching metal bar burn through my skin as I felt my body giving out while my tears never stopped flowing down my face.

Sorry guys I had to put a sad part in because the truth was going to come out sooner or later 😔😔 But dont worry the ending of the book will be happy 😊 so vote and comment for more 😁

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