Chapter 25: Goodbye...

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"You ready for your match today?" Tazz asks as I got up from my last push up,

"More ready than ever" I say wiping my forehead while she handed me a water bottle,

"Let's go get some breakfast" She says as I nod while shrugging on my white shirt and lacing up my white nikes,

"I know I say this to all the tine but I love your style Johnson" Pilar says as I look over my regular pair of white tee loose black sweats and white nikes,

"Thanks" I say with a confused look before laughing as we walked out of our cell with the rest of the girls,

"What are we having today?" Pilar asks as we made it to the back of the kitchen without anyone noticing,

"Since your match is today, your breakfast will be eggs, bacon, pancakes, and waffles" Scar face says as the gang cheered when she had other inmates bring chairs and a big table for us to eat on the empty side of the kitchen as we dug in happily,

"You better kill her ass like the way I showed you today" Tazz says eating her bacon as I laughed while nodding,

"And if the other ugly bitches shes friends with try to jump in like they always try to we got your back" Pilar says putting her fist out as I fist pump her,

"Now all we gotta do is wait till lunch which is like in two hours, wanna go play some hoops?" Bloody asks as we all shrugged before nodding,

We finished out plates before letting Scar wash them while we walk out to the yard as I see no sign of Landon which was good,

We split up into two teams before Black Cindy threw the ball up as I hit it towards Pilar who swerved past Tazz before dunking it as we laughed when Tazz groaned.

"That's cheating!" She snapped with a scoff as we fist pumped,

I passed Tazz the ball so her team could start before Pilar blocked her when she tried to shoot it.

"Johnson!" She shouted passing me the ball as I dribbled it back down to the other side of the court making it from the side of the basket,

The game continued on as we went back and forth with winning and losing before Tazz interrupted our winning streak of 65 to 34.

"Aye look" Tazz says as we all turned to the side seeing Cruz and the chief walking towards us as I rolled my eyes before continuing to play,

"Come here johnson" I hear the chief say loudly while me and Pilar continued to play,

"I suggest you listen to the chief or we'll make sure to throw you in the SHU for a long time" Cruz says grabbing the ball as I roll my eyes before turning to see the chief standing close to me looking down with a smirk,

"How have you been? I haven't seen you since you got out of medical" The chief says as his eyes wanders over my body while I glare at him,

"I see your giving me the silent treatment huh?" He says with a raised brow as I cross my arms,

"Well, I'm actually here to tell Tazz her match is starting in 2 minutes and that I'm putting all my money on Chelsea" he says with a smirk as Tazz flips him off with a fake smile,

I sighed before turning to go back to our game when a strong arm pulled me back.

"As for you my puppet, I suggest you stay out of the match or I guarantee you won't like what I'll do to you" The chief says into my ear before kissing my neck as I shoved him away from me,

"Fuck you!" I snapped before walking away hearing him laugh,

"I'd love for you to do that my little firecracker" he says loudly as I rolled my eyes before going back to the girls who were huddles together by the benches by the court,

"He doesn't want me to get involved with the match" I say as Tazz nods,

"I know, here's the plan" she says as we all huddles together to hear her plan as I now along to the great plan she had,

The bell for lunch rang as we all nodded at each other before walking to the yard where everyone was crowding around.

"Welcome to Sparta!" The lady announces like last time as I see Chelsea on the opposite side of us with her friends warming up,

It was a good thing I was hidden in the middle of the group so when it was my turn to cut in, it wouldn't be noticeable.

"On my left side we have Chelsea Solorio!" The lady announces as only her friends cheered,

"And on my right is Tazz!" She says with a wide grin as a lot of cheers were heard,

"Dude, look" Pilar says nodding her head towards the crowd on the bleachers as I looked to see Landon with two of Chelsea's friends under his arms as he watches Tazz and Chelsea about to begin fighting,

"If your angry, make sure to take it out on her" Pilar says pointing at Chelse who just began the fight with Tazz,

"Oh I will, and it won't just be until she's unconscious" I say with a smirk while cracking my knuckles as she laughs and fist pumps me,

"Beat her ass Tazz!" Pilar shouts as I shrugged off my t shirt so I was just wearing my white tank and black sweats,

"Its almost time" Bloody says looking towards the chief who was watching the match with a wide grin,

"When the chief gets handed another stack of cash for the match that's your cue to switch with Tazz okay?" She asks as I nod,

"Get ready" She says quickly as I see Cruz about to hand the chief another stack of cash,

"Go!" Bloody snaps as Tazz pulls Chelsea' s body closer to our group before falling back into the middle of the circle while I lifted Chelseas body over by her legs above my shoulders before throwing her on the sand hard as I hear gasps and cheers around the yard,

"Beat that white bitches ass M&M's!" I hear black Cindy shout from the crowd as I waited for Chelsea to get up,

"What th-" before she could take in that it was me I punched her across the face making her stumble back onto her knees before I grabbed her by her hair making her look up at me,

"You never should've done that to me bitch" I say with a before pushing her face down hard making contact with my knee,

"Now your gonna suffer" I say with a chuckle while holding onto her hair,

I looked up at the crowd with a smile as cheers were heard along with howls and whistles.

"That's my best friend bitch!" Pilar shouts as I smirked before pulling Chelsea to her feet,

"Sorry" I say before punching her once more before she fell back onto the floor gasping for air,

"Goodbye" I say before lifting her up by her neck and twisting her head hearing a crack before pushing her back onto the floor,

"And your winner, Jezzabelle Johnson!" The lady announces loudly while lifting my arm up as I looked to the crowd seeing Landon looking at me with a shocked and angry with sadness look on his face,

"Your in a lot of trouble now little puppet" I hear a voice say before I was roughly grabbed and pulled away from the cheering crowd and wide eyed friends.

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