Chapter 34: I guess...

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"Johnson! You have a visitor!" I hear one of the officers shout as I threw the basketball to Tazz with a sigh before turning around and wiping the sweat off my forehead,

"Who is it?" I ask confusedly as the officer shrugged before gesturing me to follow him as I follow,

I shrugged my white shirt back on before we got into the building towards visitation.

"There's your visitor" The officer says pointing at a lady sitting by the visitation window with light blonde hair and blue eyes,

She looks a lot like her mom from her looks but she isn't muscular and built like her mother.

After I finished with the pat down from the lady in the visitation check out entrance before walking towards the lady who was looking around with a confused look.

"Samantha Fernandez?" I ask walking up to her as she stood up quickly with a nod with her hand out,

"Jezzabelle?" She asks as I nod while shaking her hand before we both sat down,

"How come you wanted to talk?" She asks crossing her arms while looking at me suspiciously as I sighed before taking out Big Sal's necklace that was around my neck out of my shirt before putting it on the table as her eyes widened,

"Where'd you get that?" She asks with a shocked expression,

"I'm sorry but your mother wa-" before I finished she grabbed the necklace out of my hand cutting me off,

"Your the one who killed her?" She asks holding the necklace close to her chest as I shook my head,

"No but I was there when they carried her body away and saw that around her neck" I say gesturing to the necklace in her hand as I see her eyes fill with tears,

"Me and your mom may not have been friends but I wanted to give you her necklace and to let you know that she passed away recently" I replied as she sniffles while looking at the picture inside the necklace,

"How did it happen?" She asks rubbing her fingers across the small picture,

"We have normal fights in here, inmate against a inmate, and she wanted to go against me" I replied as her eyes turn to me confusedly,

"Why?" She asks as I sigh,

"She wanted to compete against me because I never lost a fight against anyone in here" I answered as she nods for me to go on,

"Another inmate decided to compete against her to take my spot" I continued as she nods her head,

"During the fight between them two, she tried to move past her and come after me and all I remembered from then on was that she ended up laying unconscious on the floor with that necklace hanging from her neck out side of her uniform" I replied as she nods,

"Thanks for telling me then I guess" She says with a scoff while wiping the tears off her face,

"I'm not giving it to you as a apology gift, I'm giving it to you because if I were to die in this shitty place with no trace on the outside world, I would want someone to tell my little sister to know I've been killed in here" I say with a frown before hearing the officer say visititation was over,

I was about to leave before the girl grabbed my arm as I turned to her with a raised brow as she pulled her hand off me quickly with nervousness.

"Thanks again" she says with a small smile as I nod before walking off,

I went through the pat down leaving the visitation room before going towards the cafeteria when the buzz for lunch came out on the speakers.

"Hi Jezzabelle" A voice says as I grabbed my tray before turning to see a woman that looked familiar to me but I can't remember from where,

"Its me Iris, I was your sisters 3rd grade teacher" She says as my eyes widened,

"What happened to you?" I ask confusedly while getting my food,

"Oh nothing, just got locked up after the principal found out I killed one of the parents that came for parent teacher conference" she says with a shrug as I look her over once more before slightly moving away from her,

"It wasn't my fault that the man I was talking to about his trouble kid just happened to be my ex husband that cheated on me with the neighbor then threw me out of his house with nothing left" She says as I flinched back when I noticed her left eye was twitching,

"But it's okay, he's got what was coming for him and now I'm in a happier place" She says with a smile before skipping out of the lunch line as I stood there in both shock and a little nervous at the situation that was just told to me by a woman I thought was an angel to everyone,

"Wassup J.J.!" Tazz says happily as I sat in front of her with my food,

"Hey you gonna eat that?" She asks quickly grabbing my pizza as I frowned,

"Not anymore" I say with a fake smile as she laughs,

"You see Big Sal's daughter?" Bloody asks while eating her food with a raised brow,

"Yeah, she was........ok" I say with a shrug as she laughs,

"If she came out from that big bitch, that I took outs, vagina, I'm pretty sure she's a bitch just like her" she says rolling her eyes as I shook my head with a chuckle before eating my chocolate pudding,

"Is it true your man has one more match before we're gonna get let go?" She asks as I shrugged,

"Who said that?" I ask confusedly,

"Word around the prison is there's a guy they've been keeping hidden to fight your man" She says as I look around the inmates seeing no hidden guy she's talking about,

"All I know is, he's a friend of the guards and they're paying him 300k to beat Landon" she says as I sighed,

"I guess we'll wait till then" I say with a sigh before finishing my lunch.

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