Chapter 38: All of me...

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"Are you sure this isn't to early?" Tazz asks while helping me fix my tie as I chuckled,

"The sooner the better" I say with a smirk as she rolls her eyes,

"But why'd you guys have me wear a dress if only like 8 people are going to be there?" She asks as I looked at the purple dress she was wearing with a laugh,

"Its pretty funny seing you wear a dress" I replied before she punched my arm with a frown,

"After the ceremony I'm gonna kill you" She says as we walk out to where  I was going to make my dreams come true,

"Now wait your big ass here while I go get your fiance" Tazz says with a shudder before walking away as I laughed while looking around the secluded beach my fiance chose to have our small wedding,

"This is nice" the priest says walking up to me with his bible as I smiled at him,

"The sun set is going to be a great view along with the ceremony" He says with a grin as I nod seeing everyone getting seated while waiting for my future bride to walk along the aisle they made with rose petals,

As soon as the music began everyone stood up as I turned around with a jaw dropped expression seeing the woman who owns my heart wearing a long white dress that had long sleeves with beautiful designs and the sides her dress was also designed with different lace designs. I felt my eyes get teary when she smiled and I noticed her long brown hair flowing down her back while a white flower crown was at the top of her head.

"Dearly beloved" The priests announces as I smiled at my very soon to be wife,

"We are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Landon Fringe and Jezzabelle Johnson in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly, and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their piece" The priests says before I gestured him to move on,

"Since there were no vows, let's skip to the rings" The priest says as Jezzabelle laughs at the priest rubbing his forehead confused,

"Do you, Landon Fringe, take Jezzabelle Johnson as your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part" The priest says as I slid the ring onto her small finger,

"I do" I replied before he asks the beautiful woman in front of me the same question,

"I do" She says with a smile while putting the golden ring on my finger,

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you two husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" The priest says loudly with a grin as I smiled before leaning down to kiss her,

"Yes! That's what I'm talking about people!" Juliana shouts as I turned to see her taking pictures,

"Work it!" She shouts as we walk back down the aisle smiling,

"Lets get drunk people!" Pilar shouts as we all get into the limo Rebecca ordered,

"Where are we going exactly?" My newly wed wife asks as I couldn't stop myself from kissing her all over her face,

"Since Landon said he didn't want the after party to be at a big place since there's only 8 of us, I decided to have the party in my backyard before you guys head off for your honeymoon" Rebecca says smiling at Jezzabelle as she smiles,

"Honey moon? Where's that going to be?" She asks turning to me as I shrugged,

"Its a surprise" I replied with a wink as she laughs,

The limo took a few more turns along the road before stopping in front of Rebecca's large house.

"I call the coronas!" Pilar announces while rushing out of the limo as bloody runs after her protesting,

"Can I get a corona?" Juliana asks as we get out of the limo,

"Um, when your older" Jezzabelle says shaking her head as she shrugs before skipping away,

"Who's playing Nicki minaj?" Tazz says laughing as we walk to the backyard where there was speakers and decorations everywhere,

"This is beautiful Rebecca" Jezzabelle says hugging her as she smiles,

"This is you guys night, might as well make it memorable" She says before walking towards Bloody and Pilar who were already chugging down bottles of coronas,

"This is just perfect" Jezzabelle says with a sigh while holding my arm tightly as I kiss her forehead,

"Now let's get our drink on" Tazz says pulling my wife away as I laughed,

I sat down by the table with the wedding presents and sipped from one of the champagne glasses beside the gifts. I smiled seeing my bride having fun with her sister and crazy friends. Seeing her dancing and trying to get her friends to stop twerking makes me glad that I met her in prison.

I laughed loudly when the view of Rebecca trying to flirt with Bloody came into view. Bloody looked like she was about to puke when Rebecca put her hands on top of Bloody's arm.

"Come on groom! Dance with your bride!" Tazz shouted gesturing me to come as I chugged down the rest of my champagne before getting up and walking towards me gorgeous wife,

I smiled when the song All of me by John Legend blasted through the speakers because in reality all of me does love all of this woman right in front of me.

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