Chapter 42: Girls Night out...

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"Oh shit!" I shouted while laughing as Tazz tried to look seductive with her drink towards the bartender only to get the drink all over her dress,

"I like my women wet" The bartender says with a wink before sliding a piece of paper with his number towards Tazz as I laughed,

"Damn! I like this dude" I say laughing as he chuckles,

"How many shots have you had?" He asks turning to me as I drank another one quickly with a smile,

"As many as I needed to get drunk tonight" I replied with a smirk as he chuckles before going back to getting other people a drink,

"There are some fiiiiine men out here tonight" Pilar says leaning next to me on the bar as I turned to see where she was looking,

"There's one over there that's been eyeing you since we got here" Pilar whispers as I turn to the part of the club where she was staring at when I spot a pair of dark eyes staring at me,

"If I were to rate him between 1 through 10, I'd give him a 1000" She says with a giggle as I rolled my eyes before turning back around to the bar where my drink was,

"I'd rate my husband a bajillion" I say with a chuckle before finishing my drink only to end up with my sight blurry and my mind foggy,

"That's funny" I laughed looking up at the mirror on top of the bar seeing my face blurry,

"Jezzabelle?" I hear Pilar say as she shook my arm,

"Look, my face looks funny" I giggled as she looked at me closely before laughing,

"Bitch, your drunk ain't you?" She asks as I laughed,

"I'm Jezzabelle" I say jokingly before she laughs,

"Here, another one for the night" She says handing me another drink as I drank it quickly before my ears listened closely to the music that was playing in the club,

"Oh my god! I love this song" I hear Tazz say excitedly before getting up and pulling me to the dance floor with Pilar,

I danced to the beat of the song playing in the background which was Good form by Nicki Minaj. I laughed seeing Tazz and Pilar trying to dance with random men.

I continued to dance by myself before ending up falling on the floor when I was spinning my body. I laughed to myself before noticing someone's large hands on my body helping me up.

"You okay there little lady?" A deep voice says into my ear as I turned to see the pair of eyes that was staring at me across the club,

"Yeah" I say with a smile as he handed me my phone that was on the floor,

"Don't wanna lose that now" he says with a smirk before I giggled,

For some reason I was trying to leave him from there but with my head all fucked up with alcohol I ended up dancing with him like a single woman.

"Your dress fits nicely over your curvy figure baby" he says into my ear while his hands wandered over my body making me smile,

"You smell so good" he says sucking on my neck as I leaned my head back,

"You have large hands" I say grabbing his hands that were moving lower than I expected,

"Come over to my VIP section and I'll show you what else is large on my body baby" He says into my ear before someone pulled me off of the guy,

"Don't fucking touch my friend you creep!" Rebecca says pulling me beside her as I tried to get my mind to think straight,

"Your friend and I have some unfinished business chick, just leave her to me and mind your own fucking business" He says grabbing my other arm before she pulls me back again,

"Get the fuck off her!" She snaps before he reached for me again only for Rebecca to slap him,

"Back the fuck off!" She shouts before he lifted his hand about to slap her as someone budded in,

"Like the woman said, FUCK OFF!" Bloody shouts pushing the guy and swinging at him as I gasped,

"Oh shit! Beat his ass bloody!" Pilar shouts coming out of no where as I laughed before noticing security rushing towards us,

"Oh hell no! I ain't going back to prison!" Tazz shouts pulling Bloody off of the man before we darted out of the club quicker than the flash,

"You okay sweetie?" Rebecca asks as we got out to the back of the club building,

"Ye-" before I finished I ended up lunging foward on the trash can next to the building only to throw up most of the drinks I had,

"Yup, girls night is over now. Time for us to get some rest" Rebecca says as I groaned,

"But the night is still young tho?" I whined as she shakes her head,

"Nope, you almost got raped, half of you guys are drunk out of your minds,  and the thing that matters most is that at such a drunken state that you guys are in I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF YOU GUYS CAN GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT BEING VULNERABLE TO ANYONE OUT HERE!?" Rebecca says loudly as Pilar rolled her eyes,

"FINE MOTHER! We'll go home now" Pilar says with sarcasm before walking towards the car we came in,

"Lets just go the fuck to sleep before anybody else wanna yell at me while I'm drunk" Pilar groans as Rebecca unlocked the car and we all got in with groans and sighs,

It wasn't long till we all got to Rebecca's house with our visions okay but our minds fucked up.

"What the fuck? Your bleeding?" Tazz says pointing at Bloodys cheek as Rebecca turned with a gasp,

"Okay, you guys go to bed. Bloody your coming with me" She says as Pilar chuckled while we made our ways upstairs giggling,

"Rebecca tryna get it on tonight" Pilar says as we laughed together before we separated since her room was a few doors down from mine,

"Lets get it on, ooooww. Let's get it on" I sang with a giggle opening my bedroom door only to stop when I see Landon staring at me with a raised brow from the bed,

"Oh Hey baby!" I say with a smile as his eyes wandered over my body before stopping on my neck,

"Your eyes like what they see?" I ask with a smirk while walking towards him before throwing myself onto him with a giggle,

"Lets get it on baby" I sang with a smile while kissing his neck before he pushed me away,

"Playing hard to get huh?" I ask with a chuckle before he got off the bed,

"Your drunk" he says running his hand through his hair with a frown as I shrugged,

"Obviously! It's a girls night out, helllooooo party time!" I say getting up before stopping after he turned to the wall and punched a hole in it,

"How can I be so dumb to let you go out at night in a dress like this?!" He snapped pacing the room as I looked at him confused,

"Landon? What's wrong?" I ask grabbing his shoulder only for him to push me off,

"What's wrong?! You literally just walked into our bedroom drunk at 4 in the morning wearing a dress barely covering anything on your body and a big ass hickey on your neck! And your asking me what's wrong!?" He shouts as my eyes widened.

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