Chapter 33: Lusted anger...

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"Landon stop!" I shouted trying to pull him off Tommy before he turned around angrily before throwing me over his shoulder as I shrieked,

"Put me down!" I snapped when Landon made his way past the shocked inmates including Tazz,

"Landon! Put me down now!" I say loudly punching his back as I noticed we were in his cell already,

He walked into his cell while I struggled to get out of his tight grip before he put me down on my feet after hearing him lock his cell.

"Move!" I snapped trying to get out of his cell before he blocked my way,

"Landon get out of my way, you have no right to keep me here" I say glaring up at him as he crosses his arms while staring down at me with a clenched jaw,

"What do you think you were doing with that guy?" He asks with frown as I raised a brow before crossing my arms,

"What do you think you were doing with that hoe?" I ask with squinted eyes as he stares at me with a blank look before answering,

"She means nothing to me" he says shaking his head as I scoffed,

"Well obviously she means something to you if you let her touch you and not say something about it!" I snapped frustratingly waving my hands as he watches me with a frown,

"I didn't touch her back" he replied as I groaned while pulling at my hair,

"Its not that! It's the fact that you didn't say something to stop her!" I shout angrily pacing his cell as he stood still while watching me,

"The only reason I kissed that guy was because I wanted you to know how I feel when I see someone touching what's mine" I say with a groan before I felt him grab my shoulders so I was facing him,

"I'm gonna show you who you belong to" he says staring into my eyes before pushing me onto the bed as I gasped at how fast he got on top of me afterwards,

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He ripped my shirt off in a flash as my breath hitched at the roughness side of Landon he was showing me now. He smashed his lips onto mine as I moaned when he threw his shirt off quickly while continuing to have a heated make out session with me.

He leaned back to shrug off his pants before looking down at my sweats with eagerness. He pulled my sweats off in a snap before I noticed we were only in our undergarments. He scanned my body with lust in his eyes as my wife eyes stuck to the large tent in his boxers.

"Your so fucking hot baby" he groans lowly before kissing me roughly while pulling my body up as I felt his hands go behind me and unclasp my bra,

"Your body is perfect kitten" he says leaning down to lick and suck around my cleavage as I moaned at the sensation,

"Landon" I moaned as his kisses traveled down towards my soaked panties,

He kissed over my clothed core before sliding my panties off with ease as I gasped when his mouth attached to my lower lips.

"Oh my god!" I shrieked when he started sucking and thrusting his tongue inside me at a quick pace,

"Cum for me kitten" I hear his deep voice say while pinning my hips down as my eyes rolled back when I felt him licking up my juices after I climaxed hard against his lips,

Before I knew it he had me trapped under his body while he sucked against my neck now. I bit my lip when I noticed his boxers were off now and he was using his legs to open my legs wider.

"Oh my god" I moaned when I felt his tip tap against my lower lips lightly before he entered me slowly,

"Your so big" I say moaning loudly while wincing at how he was filling me up to the max,

"Take it kitten" he whispers into my ear before slamming into me all the way as I screamed out in pain and pleasure,

"You belong to me" he says slamming into me at a inhuman speed as I felt my legs shaking while tears filled up in my eyes,

"Landon! Fuck!" I shouted while scratching at his back as he hit my g-spot over and over everytime he pulled out slowly before slamming back into me hard and fast,

"Who do you belong to?!" He shouted while pulling at my hair as my jaw dropped,

"Answer me!" He shouted as I gathered up my energy trying to focus on what he was saying,

"I belong to yo- fuck!" I shouted as I tightened around his hard cock that was pounding so deep inside of me,

"Who do you belong to Jezzabelle!?" He growled out while tightening his grip around my hair as I breathed out heavily against his neck,

"I belong to you Landon! Oh my god!" I screamed loudly before cumming hard when he rammed into me one last time as I felt him release inside me,

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"I love you so much peaches" Landon says laying next to me while pulling me against his chest as I tried to keep my breathing steady,

"I don't think I'm gonna be able to walk tomorrow" I replied as he chuckled before kissing my forehead,

"You should rest now baby, you've just been blessed" he says before I slapped his chest,

"I should say that to you" I say rolling my eyes as he laughed before pulling a blanket around our sweaty bodies,

"I've had sex with a lot of the women in here but none of them made me cum that hard and intense. Actually I've never had sex that good since....ever" he says with a surprised look as I smirked,

"Thanks, I get that alot" I say with a smirk before turning around before he made me face him,

"How many guys have you had before me?" He asks with a clenched jaw as I shrugged,

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I never slept with as many people as you did" I said with a scoff as he frowns,

"I've had sex with a lot of women peaches, but I've never went down on any of them and that's something I put on god" he says with a nod as my brows furrowed,

"Wait what?" I ask as he shrugged,

"Usually when I have sex with these chicks, I fuck them quick with a condom before letting them go. I never ate them out and let them suck my dick cuz I always felt like if I was going to have oral sex it would be with someone I was going to marry" he says as I looked up at him confusedly,

"How do you know if we're going to get married or not?" I say with a nervous laugh before he replied with a serious look on his face,

"Because your the first woman I've had sex with, without a condom. And if my research is correct, I'm pretty sure if people have sex without a condom there's a 99 percent chance the woman will get pregnant. And for one know you wouldn't want a child out of wedlock" he says looking down at me with a raised brow as I chuckle nervously,

"Only time will tell" I say with a sigh before feeling myself get tired,

"Goodnight Mrs.Fringe" I hear him say before I end up falling into a deep slumber.

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