Chapter 24: Get ready...

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After I got out of the medical room a few weeks ago, Tazz and the gang have been training me for the match tomorrow against Chelsea that was secretly for Tazz but she was going to switch out and place me in to surprise her since hardly anyone knew I was out of the medical room a few weeks ago.

I haven't seen Landon since what happened but Tazz told me that I should keep him off my mind since I've obviously was off his since a lot of the female inmates in here were keeping him busy while I was in training.

"Again!" Tazz snaps as I moved forward and blocked her punch then turning her arm in a lock and punching her while she was distracted,

"Damn! Your getting better than me damn" She says as I laughed while we both walked to the bench by the building and sat down to drink our water bottles,

Tazz didn't want to train me in the yard so we would practice in the empty parking lot they had put under the cell buildings but never used since the street into the parking lot was blocked off and now it was just a big dark parking lot under the inmate cells building.

"Y'all finish beating each other up now cuz we got you guys dinner" Black Cindy says walking down the stairs with two bags of panda express as I chuckled,

"How'd you get that?" I asked happily as she handed me a bag with a cup of drink,

"I got my ways" She says with a smirk as Taystee and Janae follow behind her with smile while eating their bowls of panda express,

"You ready for your fight tomorrow Johnson?" Janae asks as we all sat down on the benches eating besides each other in a circle,

"More than ever" I say with a nod as she smiles,

"Good for you, this prison deserves a female match cuz all they've been seeing lately is Landon and his angry matches with blood and bones breaking everywhere" She says with a disgusted look on her face as I chew my food with a sigh as I hear Black Cindy hit her arm while whispering to not mention his name as I continued to eat my orange chicken with fried rice bowl,

"Do you have any tattoos?" Tazz asks confusedly as I shook my head,

"I always tell myself to get one but I never have the chance to go to the tattooo shop" I respond while finishing my food as I see her smirking at Black Cindy,

"What?" I asked throwing my food into the garbage can,

"Black Cindy knows someone who can give you a tattoo right now, but the thing is are you down for it" Tazz says while her and the others got up with smirks as I shrugged before nodding,

"I don't have a reason not to" I say before they led me put of the empty parking lot to the back doors of the kitchen as I followed them confusedly,

"Scarface!" Tazz says banging on the door that goes towards the cafeteria before she came out looking scary like always,

"Our friend Johnson here would like to get her first tattoo" Black Cindy says as she looks me from head to toe before making eye contact with me and nodding,

"Sit down" She says as Janae pulls out a chair from the side of the kitchen as the people in there quickly made their way out of the kitchen since Scarface snapped and I guess it was their signal to leave,

"Where would you like your first little girl?" She asks me as I thought it over before taking my shirt off and facing my back towards her while hearing her gasp,

"I want a tattoo of the words Im back bitches in big cursive letters at the top" I say pointing to the top of my back as she looked at the other girls who nodded as she sighs before taking out a little machine that looked like a needle,

"What happened to your back little girl?" She asks putting ink inside of the small machine while Tazz helped her hook it up,

"Some crazy bitches" I say with a shrug as she sits behind me putting a weird liquid on my back first before wiping my back,

"You should've told me who it was because I'm not very fond of these crazy bitches using my kitchen as a weapon" She says while turning on the machine as I hear a buzzing noise,

"Take deep breaths every few seconds to ease the pain a bit" she says before placing the sharp tip of the machine on my back as I did what she told me while she was doing the rest of the tattoo,

"Your come back is going to be the best already" Tazz says as I chuckled a bit before hissing a little when she kept going while wiping my back with a rag after wards everytime she did it,

"I've heard the stories about your little boyfriend" Scar says as I turned to look at her,

"He was nothing to me" I replied before turning back to look down at the ground with a frown,

"I can tell your relationship was anything besides nothing sweet heart" she says with a sigh as I looked at her confusedly,

"You two were meant to be, any body in here can tell. I know you two haven't been together for a while now since your back has been burned but even though he's been sleeping around with different inmates doesn't mean he stopped loving you. It just shows that the more he stays angry at you, is the more women he's going to sleep with to keep you off his mind. But what he doesn't know is the real reason why he's mad is because he feels like the whole time you two were showing each other the sign of love that to you it was all fake but in reality we all know the love between you is undeniable" She says as I gulped nervously while staying still as she finished off my tattoo.

"Keep the tattoo cool and wrapped around tonight so by the time your match starts tomorrow at lunch nothing bad will happen to it and you can show it off" She says wiping my back as I nod,

"I'm guessing your fighting the girl who did this to your back?" She asks as I nod,

"Good, kill her before I do" She says with a chuckle as I laughed along with the others around us.

Vote and comment for her match that starts in the next chapter guys 😊😊😊

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