Chapter 16: Don't forget...

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"I thought you'd be the first one" Pilar says walking into our cell as I look at her confusedly, 

 "First for what?" I ask as she hands me a folded note, 

I read it as my eyes widened in fear and anger. 

"He paid for you?!" I snapped as she nods while fixing her bunk, 

"Aren't you going to stop this from happening?" I ask as she shrugs, 

"It's not the first time a highly paid inmate buys me for the night dude, I already told you I've gotten used to the whole paid night cap thingy. I like getting paid and plus I need some action in here" She says fixing her hair before fixing her uniform as I gasp, 

"This isn't natural Pilar, this dude can have HIV or something" I say with wide eyes as she sighs, 

"It's fine, you have to understand that us having each others back like we did when we were kids aren't as easy as it sounds now" She says before walking out as I stood there jaw dropped, 

"Whats up M&M's?" Black Cindy asks coming up to me as I shake my head, 

"Would you ever let some random guy fuck you for a night for money?" I ask confusedly as she shrugs, 

"Depends on how much we talkin bout" She says thinking it over as I groan loudly, 

"Nobody gets me in here jeez!" I say loudly while falling back onto my bunk, 

"I mean come on bro, not everyone in here has it easy like you" She says as I sat up confusedly, 

"Easy like me?!" I exclaimed confusedly and shocked, 

"Lets see here, you got a hot sexy guy thang that protects you from everything, you got friends that help you on that as well, and you've got a little sister out there waiting till you get out here making it a perfect reason to fight your way through here and survive just for her. There are many inmates in here that started out new like you, but they weren't as lucky as you to have friends in here on the first day. Many inmates in here that come in new either get raped or fucked up by any gang in here but since you got your friends and boo thang on your side, your considered as a easy life person. People come in here with nothing to fight and survive for, so what do they do? They find something that takes their pain away, just like your friend Pilar there" She says as I thought it over with shocked expression, 

"Don't judge someone based on their smiles and laughs, judge a person on their sorrows and dark pasts" She says walking out of my cell as I stare at the ceiling dumbfounded, 

I got up with a huff before walking out of my cell passing by inmates who were nodding my way in a friendly way as I nod before noticing how easy I was getting it in here. I walked out to the yard by myself just to notice Pilar sitting on top of Vlad's lap on the bleachers as I sighed slowly. 

She smiled every once in a while when he'd turn to kiss her cheek but then her face turned back into its sad and sorrowful look she has. I frowned noticing the way the guys around her were making sexual gestures and touching her in ways she was uncomfortable with. Vlad gripped her waist tightly while grabbing her jaw roughly making her kiss him as I felt disgusted. I've had enough. 

I walked up to Vlad angrily trying to calm my nerves before a arm securely went around my waist as I felt a unfamiliar slim body lean close to me from behind. 

"Think about what your doing right now newbie" The familiar voice of the pervert officer says into my ear as my jaw clenched, 

"If you go over there, I'll do everything in my will power to make sure you rot in the SHU. Your friend there costs me a lot of money and since you didn't make your last appointment, you owe me" He says turning me around with a strong grip on my arm as I looked up at him angrily, 

"You think that beast is going to protect you from everything?" He asks as I try to pull away, 

"Lets not forget the real reason you guys are talking anyways" he says as I froze, 

"I can already tell your both in to deep for each other, I just wonder how torn up he's going to feel when he figures out that you only talk to him to get evidence on wether or not he's actually a cold blooded murderer everyone claims him to be" he says with a smirk before letting my arm go as I stumbled back, 

"I guess I'll be seeing you later?" He asks with a smirk before walking away as I glared at him, 

"Are you okay?" Tazz asks coming up next to me with worry as I noticed the pink mark forming around my arm, 

"Yeah" I say pulling my uniform sleeve down, 

"What'd the pervert tell you?" She asks as I shook my head, 

"Nothing, just about how much money he's getting from that" I say changing the subject and nodding towards Pilar as Tazz frowns, 

"Must be if she's willing to do it" Tazz says with a sigh as we sat around the table full of Bloody's loud group fighting and laughing over a game of cards, 

"That's mine dumbass!" Nikki shouted grabbing the cards from Bloody as the rest of them laugh, 

"Play with us" Bloody says looking up at me with a laugh as I shrugged before sitting down where she place cards at. 

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