Chapter 30: Yay!...

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"What did the judge say?" I ask Landon as we sat together in my bunk during breakfast,

"He said that since there was no evidence of me confessing then I should get a shorter sentence for false accusations made by the chief" he says with a smile as I look at him confusedly,

"What about the tape?" I ask confusedly as he chuckles,

"The day before the trial ended I got one of my men in uniform I was friends with to sneak the tape out of the chief's pocket before the next day which lead to him showing up to the court with no evidence and him getting fired for false accusations of trying to kill an innocent inmate" he says with a smile as I grin before kissing him out of no where,

"I love you so much" I say kissing him all over his face as he chuckles,

"Aye M&M's!" I hear Black Cindy shout from outside of my cell as I pulled away from Landon quickly,

"You gotta come" She says with a excited look on her face as I look at her confusedly before following her down towards the place they have visitors at,

"Remember the favor you asked a few days ago?" She asks as I nod,

"Look" she says as I turned to see Tazz walk into the room confusedly,

"Hello" A tall woman with long blonde hair and business clothes said standing up and looking at Tazz as she looked at her strangely,

"Who are you?" Tazz asks confusedly at the woman who looked very classy and high maintenance,

"I dont know if you know this or not, but I'm the woman who adopted your daughter 5 years ago" she says with a nervous smile as Tazz confused look turned into a surprised one,

"W-what made you come here?" She asks sitting across from the woman as the woman sat across her with her hands folded,

"I recently was contacted that you were here and I wanted to come see you for myself" She says with a nervous chuckle as Tazz nodded,

"Well, here I am" she replied with a sigh as the woman smiled,

"My name is Rebecca Kingston and I wanted to come by and ask since it would seem rude for me to not do this, but would you ever want to see your daughter?" She asks as Tazz gasps,

"Really? Your willing to bring her?" She asks as Rebecca nods with a smile,

"I feel bad if I were to keep a child away from their biological mother" she says with a shrug as Tazz nods,

"How has she been? Is she walking? Is she doing anything yet?" Tazz asks nervously as the woman chuckles,

""If you want we can sit here talking about her whole lifestyle if you want" The woman asks as Tazz turned to the officer shaking her head,

"I wish I can but we only get a limited amount of time here, how about you give me your number and we'll talk on the phone before you bring her okay?" Tazz asks as the woman nods before handing her a company card,

"Not to sound rude or anything but are you one of those rich women who have a lot of money and care about nothing but your work?" Tazz asks as the woman chuckles,

"I love my job very much but when it comes to Tamara, I always try t-" before the women could finish Tazz cut her off,

"Wait, you named her Tamara?" She asks surprised as the woman nods,

"My mother's name is Tamara Kingston and she died the same year your daughter was given to me and I thought if god took something from that was my whole world the same year he gave me something that can be my whole world, it was a blessing" she says with a smile as Tazz eyes filled with tears of happiness as me and Black Cindy smiled widely at our friends happiness,

"But as I was saying, I love your daughter very much. Ever since my husband left me years ago I was very independent and focused on doing things on my own until she came along and changed the way I thought of the world" She says with a nod as Tazz couldn't stop the tears falling down her cheeks,

"I'm just going to tell you before this meet up is finish is that, your daughter is everything to me now. I always make time to see her and to just be with her. I May be a workaholic but I always put your daughter before anything" she finished as Tazz smiles while wiping her tears,

"Visitation is over now! Say your goodbyes!" The officer at the front desk shouted as Tazz got up with the woman before she hugged her tightly,

"I'm glad that your her new mother" Tazz says with a sniffle as the woman shook her head,

"I could never take your place, I guess you could say I'm just a nanny for now until her true mother comes home" She says as Tazz nods while hugging her one last time before waving goodbye,

"Oh my gosh!" I shrieked happily when Tazz came outside of the visitation room,

"You did it!" I shouted jumping onto her as she gasps while trying to hold onto me,

"You owned up to that shit!" Black Cindy says with a nod as Tazz chuckles,

"How'd you two know about that?" she asks confusedly as me and Black Cindy exchanged glances before I sighed,

"Okay! You caught me, I asked her if she can get info on your daughter and she managed to pull some strings on getting her foster mother come down and talk to you about seeing her" I say with a sorry look on my face before she hugged us both tightly,

"Thanks to you guys I don't have to kill the bitch" She says with a smile as we looked at her confusedly,

"I was thinking if I were ever gonna get out of here, the first thing I would do is kill the bitch that took my baby but seeing how that white rich bitch is taking good care of her, you guys saved me a long time of searching and a murder plan" She says with a laugh as we looked at her in shock,

"I'm not gonna kill her guys, I meant to say was the anger I had for who ever had my baby out there is gone now seeing the person who's taking care of her now is nicely taking care of my baby" She says before walking off as we looked at her strangely before following her to the yard.

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