Chapter 40: Bloodys pov...

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OK! For the people who were confused about chapter 40, My dumbass accidentally pushed the publish button while I was eating sorry 😂 AND I decided to finish this book on chapter 50 instead of 40 since my favorite rapper is 50cent and plus I wanted to also include the stories of some of the other characters in this book that deserves some recognition 🙄 OTHER THEN THAT CONTINUE TO CHAPTER 40 FINALLY 😂👇


I groaned in my sleep while stretching before I felt something next to me on my bed. My eyes opened confused before I jumped up quickly at the person sitting on my bed.

"Rebecca! What are you doing in my room?!" I gasp looking at the smiling Blondie who was sitting on my bed with a tray of food,

"I wanted to bring you some breakfast" She says with a smile as I tried to call myself down since I was almost scared to death,

"We've talked about this Rebecca, if you wanted to make me breakfast just leave it downstairs and I'll go down in a bit" I say wiping my face with a sigh as she watches me intensely,

"I was knocking but you didn't answer and you looked like you were enjoying your sleep so I thought I'll just bring it to you" She says handing me my tray as I sighed before watching her curiously looking around my room,

"You really made yourself at home" she says staring around at the posters of 50 cent I had on the walls and my clothes all over the floor,

"Yeah" I say with a shrug while eating her chocolate chip pancakes that were actually really good,

"Do you have any plans today?" She asks as I shook my head,

"Nah, why?" I ask confused while finishing my plate,

"Well I heard it's going to be the hottest day of the week today so me and the other girls are deciding to go to the beach after they finish their breakfast" She says with a nervous smile as I gulped down the last piece of food in front of me before nodding,

"Aight, take this tray downstairs and I'll get ready" I say handing her my tray as her smile widened before she rushed out of my room happily with the tray,

I got up stretching my arms with a yawn before walking into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After I finished washing my body, I put on some basketball shorts and a tank top.

"Bitch you finished yet?" Pilar asks walking into my room as I put on my slides with a frown,

"Don't you ever knock?" I ask while putting my hair up as she shook her head,

"Why? It ain't like I haven't already seen your man ass naked before in jail when you used to fuck those bitches in the shower thinking nobody was gonna walk in" She says with a disgusted look as I laughed,

"This man ass had needs and I didn't care who saw" I say with a shrug before a knock on the door surprised us,

"We're gonna be in the car if you guys were wondering" Rebecca says slowly while blushing as Pilar turned back at me rolling her eyes,

"Yes creep, goodbye now" Pilar says before closing the door as I shook my head with a laugh,

"Why you gotta be a bitch?" I ask grabbing my towel and some extra clothes,

"You know she's a creep dude, everytime I'm around she be coming around smiling and shit talking about hey Bloody, you need anything? You want some food? Ew!" Pilar says imitating Rebecca before pretending to throw up as I laughed,

"Maybe she's trying to make us feel welcome, I mean we are living under her roof for free" I say before taking my bag of stuff for the beach and walking towards the door as she followed me with a scoff,

"More like she's making you VERY comfortable around here so she can pounce on you any moment when your not expecting it" Pilar says as we walk down the hall,

"Just let her be, she's never had guest over remember? She told us she doesn't have a big family and nobody comes by anymore so let's just try to be nice to her" I say as we walk out of the house now seeing Rebecca waiting by her large hummer with a smile,

"I'll take your things" She says grabbing my bag and towel before running to put them in the back of her car as Pilar looked at me with a disgusted face before following me inside the backseats of the hummer where Juliana and Tamara were playing with their iPads, 

"Wanna play fruit ninja with me?" Tamara asks moving the iPad towards me as I noticed on the other side of the car Pilar was with Juliana playing tic tac toe,

"Sure" I say with a shrug before she pushed the two player button and we played the game till we got to the beach,

"Are we there yet mommy?" Tamara asks as the car stopped and both Tazz and Rebecca turned around from the front of the car to say yes at the same time,

"Well this is awkward" Pilar says when Tazz and Tamara turned to each other shocked and confused when they both answered Tamaras question,

"So let's get our things Bloody" Pilar says with a awkward chuckle as she opens the door she was sitting next to and I opened mine leaving the girls we were sitting in the middle of us staring at the women in the front of the car confused,

"That was awkward as shit" Pilar says giggling as we walked to the back of the car to get our things while laughing,

"Last one to get there is a burnt chicken nugget" Pilar says before running off with bags of stuff before I rushed after her some of the other stuff,

"Bitch you cheated!" I snapped as she played on the sand with a grin,

"And your a burnt chicken nugget" She says sticking her tongue out with a smirk before I threw sand on her face which lead to a sand fight in the middle of the beach where the people around us were watching us with a confused and weird looks,

"Fuck you bitch! You hit my vagina!" Pilar shouts while running away as I laughed before throwing another pile of sand towards her,

"Don't say vagina around my daughter!" Tazz shouts walking towards us as Pilar rolls her eyes,

"You just said it right now dumbass" Pilar says rolling her eyes as I laughed before high fiving her,

"I hate you bitches" Tazz says placing the chairs and blankets around while Rebecca made sure the large umbrellas she brought covered the  whole area we were going to be sitting,

"Sandcastle?" Tamara asks running up to me with buckets of different shapes on the bottom as I turned to Pilar to see her being pulled towards the water by Juliana,

"Alright let's do this" I say turning back to Tamara who was sitting on the sand already with one bucket of sand as I grabbed the other buckets to help her build a sand castle,

I laughed and played around with Tamara in the sand for a while since she kept throwing sand at me whenever I messed up and for once I actually felt happy with a little kid. I never thought I'd get along with a child, especially since I never did with my own.

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