Chapter 15: Stare downs & Answers...

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"How was your sleep, sleeping beauty?" Pilar asks nudging my shoulder with a smirk as we both grabbed our breakfast and sat down,

"It was alright" I say while eating my egg and sausage sandwich,

"I bet it was" Tazz says sitting next to me with a wink as the other girls sat down with laughs,

"Words going around about your little sleeping buddy" Bloody says wiggling her eyebrows as I turned to a wide grin Pilar,

"What? I'm the news reporter around here, you need gossip? Im your girl" she says with a wink as I rolled my eyes and chuckled,

"Uh oh" I hear Tazz say as I turned to see the guards walk in with a inmate I haven't seen around lately,

"Who's that?" Pilar asks as Tazz and Bloody look at him with shock and fear,

"That's Vlad, the new inmate from the other jail. He's here to fight Landon in a couple of weeks" Tazz says with a nervous gulp as we watched him sit next Andre's friends,

He ate his sandwich while the guys around him whispered things to him. They looked like they were having a normal conversation till one of them nodded in my direction as I froze.

The scary, muscular, bald headed new inmate turned to lock eyes with mine as I stayed frozen unable to move. His eyes held a scary past that I knew wasn't anything near good. His body showed all the hits he's taking his whole life time while his dark green eyes were like a portal to what happened to each and everyone one of the scars. He smirked at me before Pilar pulled my arm making me turn around.

"I think he's coming for you" she says nodding at him as I look at her confusedly,

"Why do you say that?" I ask with a raised brow,

"Cuz here he comes" she says before I turned to see a body blocking my view,

He squatted down in front of me so that we were eye to eye before smiling at me.

"Vlad" he says as a Russian accent came along with it,

I looked down at his hand that was put out waiting for mine as I slowly put me hand out only for him to grab it tightly pulling me towards him.

"Your boyfriend's a very lucky man" he whispers into my ear before kissing it as I pulled away with a gasp,

"Get away from me" I say as my friends glared at him,

"When he's gone, I'll take good care of you" he says standing up before turning to walk away as I stood up following him,

"Wait" I say grabbing his arm as he turned,

I did not expect everyone to turn when I grabbed my drink and threw it on his face. He looked down at his wet uniform before going to grab me only for a large body to block him from doing so.

Everyone watched how the heated tension between these two buff big scary guys having a stare down in the middle of the cafeteria.

"It's okay Landon" I say pulling his arm as he lets me drag him out of there while still keeping his angry gaze on Vlad,

"Did he hurt you?" He whispers pulling us on to the bleachers by the yard as I shook my head,

"Good" he says sitting me on his lap as I snuggle into his chest while his arms were wrapped around my waist,

"I love you" he whispers kissing my neck as I noticed the stares and glares we were getting from other inmates,

"They're looking" I whisper trying to pull away as he shrugs,

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