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"right partner?"

Yoongi smiled as he looked at Jimin. He nodded. They both walked to an empty court. "I'll go get a ball." Jimin said before running off to the teacher. When he got back he saw Yoongi surrounded by a group of guys. "Oh, Jimin you're back." Yoongi walked to Jimin and left the guys. "Who are they?" Jimin pointed his head in the direction of the group. "They said they wanted to play against us." Jimin noticed it was a group of five guys. The teacher said a group of two. "There's three too many here." Jimin said to the group. "Come on, what difference is three?" A guy taller than Jimin came up to him. "Yoongi could get hurt." Jimin backed up and pushed Yoongi behind him.

"Park, I'll be alright. I'm a pro anyway." Jimin turned back to Yoongi. He trusted him. Yoongi flipped his hair and went to the court. They all spread out and Yoongi threw the ball in the air. Jimin frankly didn't know what he was doing. He just knew how to throw the ball.

"All right class. Bring it in. Time to change." The ball dropped and bounced away. "Aren't you gonna put the ball where the others rolled to?" Jimin asked. "No. Let it be someone else's love story." Jimin tilted his head. "What do you mean?" They started walking to the lockers. "Well, the teacher will tell people to go get a ball right?" Jimin nodded. "Then, maybe a boy and a girl or a boy and a boy or a girl and a girl will go to get the ball at the same time. Let that be their love story." He said as he walked into the girls locker room. He was going to change in the bathroom.

Jimin waited for Yoongi outside the gym doors. "Oh, you waited?" They started walking. "Of course I did. I am your guid aren't I?" He nodded. "So, you know that homework we have for chemistry? I'm new and don't know what you guys learned. So I'll be going to your house and you're gonna help me." Jimin stopped. "Wait what?" Yoongi stepped in front of him. "I'll walk home with you." Jimin didn't know how to respond. "Or my place, your choice." He knew his parents wouldn't be fine with a girl coming over. And he can't just tell them it's a guy. "Your place." Yoongi nodded and continued to walked. Jimin grabbed his wrist. "What is it?" He turned around. "Um, class is right there." He pointed to a room next to them. "Oh."

Again, another introduction. Jimin had gotten so tired of them already. And of course he came and sat with him. Now that, Jimin wasn't tired of. "Lunch is next I hear?" Yoongi faced Jimin. "Yea." He smiled. "Finally. Just this last class then lunch. What class is this anyway?" He rested his head on his hand. "Poetry." Yoongi sighed.

Hoseok, the poetry master came up to them. "So you're the new girl. I hope you like poetry." He pulled out a book and started reciting what it said. "Park, do you have a water bottle." He shook his head. "Hey poetry guy, so you have a water bottle?" He nodded as he handed it to him. "There isn't enough emotion." He said before splashing the water at his face. "There, tears. Now that's emotion." He smiled as he sat back in his seat. Hoseok just stood there. "I'll... I'll uh, work on my emotion then." He walked away wiping his face. "You're one feirce girl- uh guy. Sorry." Yoongi turned back to Jimin. "It's fine. You can call me a girl if you want." He smiled. "Okay." They both turned their attention back to the teacher.

I like it better calling him a guy...

Is it okay that they're short?? Idk

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