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"Hey kid, you know I like you right?"

Jimin didn't know how to answer. He sat there blushing his ass off. "Nah, I'm kidding. Chill, we just met." Yoongi started laughing. Jimin didn't know what was funny but he started laughing too. Just too play off the joke? "I think I should go home." Jimin started to get up from the couch. "Why are you leaving me?" Yoongi grabbed Jimins wrist. "You're drunk, Yoongi." It was obvious. His face was turning red and he was laughing at nothing. "Not even.." his speech was a little slurred. Jimin didn't like seeing him this way. This is a bad impression.

After an hour, Yoongi had gone through 4 beers. He was passed out on his bed, with the assistance of Jimin getting him to his bed. "Man, and I was actually starting to like you.." Jimin tip toed to the door. He looked back at Yoongi before opening the door. He was rolling around and panting. "A nightmare." Jimin whispered to himself. He tip toed back to the side of Yoongi's bed. "It's alright, I'm here." Jimin whispered. Yoongi's breathing slowed down and he stayed still. "Guess I'm walking."

Jimin left a note before leaving.

Sorry Yoongi, you were drunk and passed out so I left. Please try not to drink like that again. You can't handle it.

Jimin started walking. It was 2 hours till dark and Jimin was walking alone. He was familiar with the area so he's fine. He just gets scared to walk at night so he doesn't want to walk slow. He was actually walking at an awkwardly funny pace. He was the only one out so it didn't matter.

Once he finally reached his house his mom had already been in bed he assumed. He went straight up to his room and took a long warm bath. He just sat there and closed his eyes. He wasn't planning on calling asleep in the tub but just resting his eyes. His phone was on his bed so he couldn't check it to see if Yoongi had waken up. He just relaxed and cleared his head as best as he could.

The next morning when Jimin got up he remembered that there was no school, according to Yoongi. He went through his emails before actually believing him. Nothing. So he got ready for school anyway.

He was half way to school when he heard honking behind him. He turned and saw Yoongi's car. "Get it." Jimin shook his head. "I'm fine walking." He started walking a little faster. "Park, just get in. I told you there's no school." Jimin stopped. "I checked all of my emails and there was nothing about a gas leak, I also saw a few other students on their way here while I was walking." He was getting frustrated. "Come on, Park. Let's go do something fun." Jimin ignored him and walked faster.

When he reached the school and tried to open the doors, it was locked. "What did I tell you? It's closed." He heard Yoongi yell from the parking lot. "I mean unless you want to die from all that gas.." Yoongi started walking up to him. "Is this about yesterday?" Yoongi stopped walking at a good distance. "No, I don't care about your drinking life." Jimin started walking away. "Then why'd you leave the note?" Yoongi pulled out a slip of paper from his pocket. "You're too young and you can get sick." Yoongi started to smile so he looked down. "That's cute." Jimin looked at him in confusion. "W-what is?"

"You care about my health." Yoongi looked back up showing his gummy smile. "N-no I don't.. it's just-" Jimin scratched the back of his neck. "It's fine. I'll take you home." Yoongi started walking to his car and Jimin didn't protest against a free ride home.

"Let's have dinner later tonight, Park. On me. As a date."

This book is doing better than I thought wthh 🤣

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