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"You're mine now, Park."

After they got out of the pool they went to shower. Yoongi used the shower in his room and Jimin used the guest bathroom. Jimin was having mixed emotions at the moment. He was happy but he was scared. They just- he didn't want to think about it anymore.

While Jimin was in the shower, Yoongi took his clothes and washed them, so he could have fresh warm clothes. He slipped them in while he was still showering then left.

Yoongi went and layed on the couch for a while and just stared at the ceiling. "When did we get a chandelier?" He slightly tilted his head. "Yoongi?" Jimin couldn't quite find him since the couch faced the other way. "Right here, Park." He sat up. Jimin walked to him and sat down.

He felt happy now. "I think I'm bipolar." Yoongi laughed. "Why do you say that?" Jimin looked at him. "It's nothing." He shrugged it off. He was really hungry, though. "Can we go eat?" Yoongi smiled. "Of course we can."

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked excitedly. He somehow felt more comfortable with Yoongi. He didn't know if it was because he just let Yoongi.. yea. Or because Yoongi claimed him. He didn't care, he felt happy. "Hmm, there's a seafood place around here."

"Uhm, this is really expensive.." Jimin opened the menu. "Really? Everything seems so cheap." Yoongi lowered his menu to see Jimins face. "Order anything. It's on me." Jimin didn't want to make Yoongi spend all his money but, he didn't want to pass up a chance on such good food. He knows he probably won't come back since he lives so far from here.

"Oh, Yoongi." A waitress came up to the table and seemed shocked. "Haven't seen you since you told me-" Yoongi seemed bothered by her presence. "Since I told you I was gay? Yea, I remember. But I didn't come here to converse with you, I came to have lunch with my boyfriend." She looked taken aback. Jimin started to blush and tried his hardest to hold in a smile.

"I um, I'll go get another waiter for you then." She started tearing up, then she ran off. "W-who was that?" Jimin whispered as he discreetly pointed. "No one important. Let's just focus on us." Jimin nodded. "You seem upset." Yoongi nodded then stared at Jimin for a while. "What?" Jimin slightly tilted his head. "Nothing. I just really like you." He smiled and Jimin couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

Another waitress came and they placed their order. Not too long after, it came. "Wow, looks so delicious." Yoongi smiled at how excited he looked just to eat the food. "Cute." He started eating. Jimin smiled then started eating.

"That was delicious, thank you." Jimin smiled. Yoongi smiled back then pulled him into a hug. Jimin was shocked for a second but hugged him back. Jimin clenched the back of Yoongi's shirt and nuzzled his face into his chest.

So I just got into Tokyo Ghoul and wowowow have I missed out

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