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"I promise to never disappoint you, hurt you, or leave you."

"Ew, I rather be laying down with you at home." Jimin said as they approached the school parking lot. "It's fine. Just a little while longer. They kissed before exiting the car.

They walked in and went to their lockers. "Jimin..." Yoongi pulled a paper off his locker and took it to Jimin. It was a picture of him cross dressed and as his normal self. He didn't really care.

He took his extensions out and went into a janitors closet and came out dressed as a guy. "Yoongi.. what are you doing?" Yoongi shut his locker and grabbed his things. "I mean, this is me anyway. People need to get used to both sides right?" Jimin closed his locker and followed.

Yoongi sat in his normal seat next to Jimin and took his things out. "Um, excuse me sir but that seat is already occupied by another student and, when did you enter my class?" Yoongi sighed and the whole class looked at him. Girls were gawking over him and guys were confused.

"You'll find out quicker when you take roll." He continued to doodle in his notebook. "Um.. An Yuri?" The girl replied with "here" and the rest continued. "Min Yoongi doesn't seem to be-"

"No, I am here." Yoongi raised his hand. "Sir, please don't call out for other students." Yoongi sighed again. "Sir, I am Min Yoongi. Someone decided to post this and people might have been confused. So I came as myself." He held up the picture from his locker. Everyone gasped.

"He's a transgender? I couldn't tell." A girl said. "No, I'm not. It's called crossdressing." He shouted over to the girl.

"Jimin must be lost shocked, he seemed to like her when she first came." Jungkook snickered. "Actually, you're the one who hit on me my first day here. And we're actually da-" Jimin covered his mouth before he could finish. Yoongi turned to him and Jimin didn't seem so happy. Jimin dragged Yoongi out of class.

They finally made it to very back of the school in the garden. "Yoongi, I really do love being with you but please, don't tell people anymore." He started to tear up. "Jimin..?" Yoongi whispered. "It's bad enough I had been picked on and taunted since I was little." The tears started running down his cheek. "The words will be more painful if they know I'm gay.." Jimin looked down the whole time as his tears hit the white cement bench.

"Jimin, why didn't you tell me they did that? I would've done something." Jimin shook his head. "No, there's nothing to be done. The damage has been done. Just please, don't tell them." Yoongi hurt inside to see Jimin like this. He pulled him into an embrace.

"I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. Let's go." They walked back to Yoongi's car and got in. "Where are we going?" Jimin wiped his tears. "Home, where else?"

They got home and Yoongi started pacing the floor as Jimin sat on the couch watching him. "Yoongi please calm down." Jimin stared down at his legs. "I can't. I'm sorry."

"It's nothing big-" Yoongi walked up to him. "Jimin, you're all I have. I have to protect you."

Oops this is relatively shorter sorry. But I wrote this immediately after posting 16 n I've been listening to sad songs like Lee Hi's Breath... So it came out depressing SORRYYYY :')))

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