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"I'll always have open arms for you."

Jimin liked Yoongi's scent. He was so warm. Jimin slowly pulled away. "Thanks." Yoongi smiled. "Anytime. Want something to drink?" Jimin nodded. Yoongi got up and went into his fridge. He came back with a soda.

"So, do you wanna tell me about that girl?" Jimin looked up at him with sad eyes. "No." Yoongi nodded. "Well, we'll sit here and do nothing then." Jimin opened the can and started drinking it. He slowly layed his head down on Yoongi's shoulder. Soon after, Yoongi layed his head gently on Jimins.

Jimin opened his eyes. He had fallen asleep. He looked up without moving his head. Yoongi was awake watching T.V with the volume low. He wasn't resting his head on Jimin anymore. Yoongi looked down and saw Jimin staring at him.

"You're awake?" He smiled. "You've been knocked out for a few hours." Jimin lifted his head up. "Sorry." He stretched. "Wanna do something fun?" Yoongi asked. "Like?" Yoongi smiled a gummy smile. Jimin couldn't say no to that. "You'll see." Yoongi grabbed his arm and pulled him to his car.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked as he watched outside the window. "Somewhere you'll love." Jimin sighed. "Love is a strong word, Yoongi." He continued to watch the view from outside the window. He eventually drifted off to sleep.

"Hey, sleepy head, we're here." Yoongi whispered into Jimins ear. He slowly woke up. He looked out the window to see a beautiful beach scenery. "Wow.." he whispered to himself. "Come on." Yoongi got out of the car and ran to Jimins side to open his door. "You didn't have to open it for me, but thanks."

"We can stay in my parents beach house, since I didn't bring anything." Jimin nodded as Yoongi unlocked the door. "Welcome to my humble... Beach abode." Jimin's mouth hung open. It was so nice and clean in there. Shiney leather furniture, lots of space, and many expensive things. "It's nice, isn't it?" Yoongi turned and asked Jimin. He nodded.

"There's a game room, an art room, and an indoor pool." Yoongi started listing things they could do. "But why use the indoor pool when the ocean is right there, right? There's-" Jimin cut his off. "Can we just use the indoor pool." Yoongi looked up. "Huh? Oh, yea. Whatever you want."

Yoongi first took Jimin into his room to get some swim shorts. "Here, you can change in the bathroom right there. Here's a towel for when we go to the pool." Jimin thanked him and went into the bathroom.

Jimin was slightly uncomfortable with his body, although he had rock hard abs. He changed into nothing but the swim shorts and wrapped the towel around his torso.

"Alright, let's go." Yoongi was already changed. He had also wrapped his towel around his chest. They walked downstairs and into a huge pool room. "Hop in." Yoongi took his towel off and stepped into the water. Jimin shyly took his towel off and joined.

Yoongi eyed Jimin's body as he walked to the pool. He was highkey turned on by Jimin's beautiful body. He couldn't help but bite his lip.

So like... Would you guys mind me making a smut chapter next? Or do you want this whole thing to be fluff? I'm fine with both 🤷

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