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"this brings me back to the question, are you gay?"

Jimin didn't answer. He couldn't think of an answer. He just met this dude and even if he was he wouldn't spill to him. "No!" He stopped walking. His face burned and he looked down. "Hey, if you're homophobic I get it, but we can't be friends if you are." Jimin looked up at him in confusion. "What? Why?" Yoongi completely turned to look at him. "I'm gay you idiot." He continued walking and Jimin stood there. "Are you coming or not? I'm your ride." Jimin sped up to Yoongi.

He car ride back was quiet. "I'm not a homophobe." Jimin mumbled. "What?" Yoongi didn't hear him. "I'm not a homophobe." Yoongi smiled. "I know." Jimin looked at him in confusion. "Then why did you explode back there?" Yoongi couldn't hold back a laugh. "Listen, I understand we just met and all but, you're easy to read." He turned to Jimin for a second then back at the road. "What is that supposed to mean?" Jimin didn't know if he should be offended or not. "I think you're stuck in the closet."

They got closer and closer to Yoongi's house. Jimin was going to question why they weren't going to his place but he liked it at Yoongi's. It smelled nice and it was warm and sort of welcoming. 

"Did you get the school email?" Yoongi asked as he pulled into the parking lot. Jimin turned to him in confusion. "No, I didn't know the school sent students emails." They both got out of the car and headed up to Yoongi's door. "Well, they do. There's no school for the rest of the week. Some gas leak, or whatever." Yoongi opened the door and walked in before Jimin. Jimin stood by the door. It wasn't his house and he couldn't do what he wanted, so he just stood.

"Come on, don't be awkward and sit down already." Yoongi said as he plopped down on the couch. "I thought you were gonna drop me off at my place..." Jimin said as he sat down. "Well, I can take you home now if you want." Yoongi crossed his legs and looked at Jimin. "N-no, don't waste the gas. I'll just stay here I guess." Yoongi nodded. "We should do something fun." Yoongi stood up. "Wait here." Yoongi walked into the kitchen and grabbed something from the fridge. He came back with two beers. "Woah, were underaged. This is illegal, how'd you even get those?" Jimin shooed away the drink.

"It's called stealing. And who cares about laws or rules. You gotta be a rebel sometimes. I drink all the time." He shoved a drink into Jimins hand. Jimin held it and watched Yoongi open his bottle as if he'd done it a million times before. Yoongi downed some beer then looked at Jimin. "What? Are you scared to break the law? Wuss." He downed some more. "I-I'm not a wuss. I just can't... Open the bottle.." he wanted to make as many excuses as he could just not to drink it. "Here. Easy, just like that." Yoongi quickly opened the bottle and handed it back to Jimin. "I can't handle beer though.." he eyed the opened bottle. He looked back at Yoongi who was chugging whatever was left in the bottle.

"Slow down." Jimin wanted to take the bottle from him but he couldn't. Too scared. "Are you gonna drink that? Cause, that's kind of a waste." Jimin vigorously shook his head and handed it over. "Don't break your neck." Yoongi said before taking a big gulp of beer.

"Hey kid, you know I like you right?"

How are u guys?? I'm doing pretty good and I hope u are too 🖤🖤

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