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"Let's have dinner later tonight, Park. On me. As a date."

Jimin didn't know whether to smile or to decline. He sat quietly and stared forward. "We're here." Jimin had zoned out. He snapped out of it and realized he was home. "Oh, thanks for the ride." He quickly got out of the car and ran inside. Yoongi watched and smiled. "How cute." He drove off.

"What are you doing out so early? Didn't I tell you there wasn't any school?" Jimins mom was about to leave for work. "No, you didn't." He walked off to his room. "A date?" He stood and thought about it for a while. "As friends. He means friends." He put his bag down on his desk and changed into his sweats. He was planning on going back to sleep, till his phone started vibrating. He immediately assumed it was Yoongi.

When he picked up the phone he saw something different.


Hi Jimin, it's Eunju

He didn't know if he should answer the message. Eunju was his ex. They dated for 3 years then she dumped him. Out of nowhere, without a reason. Ever since then he's been scared of liking people or even dating. He immediately deleted the chat without opening it.

"Waste of time." He whispered to himself. He layed down on his bed and shut his eyes. He couldn't really sleep but he thought if he kept his eyes closed long enough and cleared his mind. He failed. "Agh! Why can't I sleep?!" He threw his pillow at his dresser and it knocked a photo down.

He got up to see what it was. Of course, it was a picture of him and his ex he had kept face down. He kept it because he couldn't get over her. He finally forgot about her till today...

He threw the picture into the trash can next to the dresser. His phone started ringing and he ran thinking it was Yoongi. He immediately answered. "Yoongi?" It was silent on the other end for a good minute. "Come on Yoongi I'm not in the mood for you to play around. And sorry about this morning at school." He didn't know what he was saying or doing. He felt like he was rude. "Yoongi?" It was still silent.

"Jimin.." it wasn't Yoongi. It was a more feminine voice. "W-Whos this?" He already knew. "It's Eunju. But please don't hang up!" He hated her voice. "How dare you call me... I don't want to hear your voice or see your face again." He hung up. He dialed Yoongi.

"Park? Is everything alright?" How could he tell that easily? "Can you uh, can you pick me up?"

"Off to my place we go?" Jimin nodded. "So, why did you call me all of a sudden?" Jimin shrugged. "I was about to go shopping for some more clothes. But I'll spend my day with you." Jimin had been wondering why Yoongi was dressed feminine today.

"I don't have any beer in the fridge, so I won't get drunk and scare you again." Yoongi started taking the extension out of his hair and he walked in. "I'm gonna go change real quick. Wait here." He walked into his room. Jimin sat on the couch. His phone vibrated again.


I saw you with that girl. She's pretty. Is that why you won't give me any time? Because you're with her now?

Seeing her message made him irritated and filled him with rage. Why won't she leave him alone? She ended it and that's that. She left him broken and he didn't want her back.

"Park? Are you okay?" Yoongi sat next to him. "N- Yes, I'm alright. "You need a hug?" Yoongi opened his arms. As if pulled by a magnet, Jimin automatically ended up in his arms.

"I'll always have open arms for you."

Cute? Idkkk🤷 I've caught feelings for a guy that doesn't notice me 🤷

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