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This chapter contains sexual content that may not be suitable for some readers. Please read at your own risk. Or skip to chapter twelve. You won't miss much at all.

Yoongi eyed Jimin's body as he walked to the pool. He was highkey turned on by Jimin's beautiful body. He couldn't help but bite his lip

"What are you staring at?" Jimin said as he got in. "You, dummy." Jimin started blushing. "W-Why?" Yoongi swam closer to him. "Because..." Jimin started backing up till he hit the wall of the pool. "Y-Yoongi-" Yoongi silenced him with a kiss. It slowly became more passionate.

Yoongi placed both his hands on Jimin's waist. "Come on." Yoongi pulled away from the kiss and lead Jimin out of the pool. Yoongi grabbed both of Jimin's hands and walked backwards. He sat on one of the pool side chairs and Jimin ended up on top of him.

Jimin couldn't contain himself either. He started kissing Yoongi. Jimin was thrusting against Yoongi while sitting on top of his thighs and deepening the kiss. Yoongi placed his hands back on Jimin's waist and slowly lowered them to the brim of his shorts. Then he lowered them till they were to his knees.

That didn't make Jimin stop kissing him. But what made him jump was the feeling of Yoongi's hands caressing his now erection. Jimin started moaning between the kiss and Yoongi couldn't take it anymore.

He flipped Jimin onto his back on the chair. "Yoongi.." Jimin whispered. "First time? Want me to go easy?" Jimin shook his head. Yoongi smirked. "Safe word; stop." Jimin nodded his head.

Yoongi took off his shorts and positioned himself in front of Jimin. He slowly entered him. Jimin grabbed onto the chairs railing. He started whimpering the more Yoongi entered. Yoongi started thrusting into him and a medium pace. He didn't want to hurt Jimin but he wanted to make him feel good, along with himself.

Jimin tried to silence his moaning by covering his mouth and biting his lips. "No, baby. Let me here you moan for me." Yoongi's voice was deep and husky. "Y-Yoongi..." He started moaning aloud. "That's good.."

"You like it?" Yoongi bent down to peck him on the lips. "Yea... Harder..." Yoongi did as he said and Jimin started moaning uncontrollably. Jimin started touching himself as Yoongi thrusted harder and harder.

Soon after Jimin started cuming all over himself. "Ah, what a mess.." Yoongi said as he watched him. "I think I'm gonna cum too.." Yoongi started thrusting as hard and as fast as he could. He came inside of Jimin. He pulled out and watched it all drip out.

He started kissing Jimin passionately and made his way down to his neck. He started leaving marks on Jimin. He could feel and hear Jimin out of breath. "That was fun. Wasn't it?" Jimin hummed in response.

Yoongi stood up and looked at Jimin's tired figure. "Come on, let's get back in." Yoongi jumped into the pool. It took Jimin a minute but he also came in. Yoongi swam over to him again but gave him a hug and just held him. Jimin held him back.

"You're mine now, Park."

Well, that happened. Sorry if you wanted this book to stay fluff and I just ruined it 🤷

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