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"I'll let you sleep now, I'm exhausted."

It had been a week and now Jimin gets discharged from the hospital. Yoongi was so excited to finally be able to lay with the one he loves. He missed holding him at night. He bought him flowers and his favorite candies. He had also bought him a nice outfit to change into.

"Jiminie~" Yoongi walked in with a smile on his face. Jimin was laying in the bed about to call Yoongi. Jimin propped up and smiled from ear to ear. "You're here!"

"Here, since you're leaving today I got you a couple things." Yoongi handed Jimin the bag of clothes and the flowers and candy. "You didn't have to! But thank you!" Jimin ran into the bathroom and changed into the outfit.

"Wow, look at you." Yoongi smiled as Jimin walked out. "It's so nice!" Yoongi couldn't help but smile non stop at the sight of Jimin being happy. "Cute.. Let's get going now." Jimin nodded as he followed after Yoongi.

They checked him out and went to Yoongi's car. "Home we go." Yoongi said with a smile. Jimin hopped in and they headed home.

"Feels nice to be back." Jimin sat on the couch. "Ah, Park can you go get me my uh.... Rolex from our room. I wanna take you to dinner." Jimin nodded and headed to their room.

As soon as he walked in he saw the bed was completely filled with roses. "Yoongi what's all this?" He shouted as he stared at the bed. "Welcome home." Yoongi hugged him from behind. Jimin also couldn't help but notice the huge amount of bags and gifts on the floor. "Is this all for me?" Yoongi replied with a hum.

"I-I don't know what to say.. thank you." Jimin turned and hugged Yoongi along with giving him a kiss. "How about you open your gifts?" Jimin nodded as he opened them one by one. "Oh? Your car keys fell in this bag." Jimin held out the keys. "Or.. there could be a car waiting for you outside." Jimin's eyes widened as Yoongi smirked.

"You're joking." Yoongi shrugged. Jimin ran outside and pressed the button to find the car. "You didn't..." Yoongi walked up next to him. "Oh, but I did." Jimin hugged him again before running to his car. Yoongi watched him sit in the driver's seat and go crazy while using the buttons.

"Today was so amazing. Thank you." Jimin smiled. "And to top it off you brought me to a fancy dinner." Yoongi smiled widely at how satisfied he made Jimin. "So, I haven't been able to tell you this because I was scared. Honestly.." Jimin slightly tilted his head in confusion.

"I... I love you Park." Jimin couldn't help but blush. "I love you too." He smiled warmly. "I bought you this.." He opened a small box. It was a ring with Yoongi's name engraved on it with a small diamond at each end. "On the inside, it has our date on it. Behind my name is the day we started dating. And across from it is the day we met." Jimin smiled so widely his face started to hurt. But he couldn't stop.

"Yoongi, you don't have to buy me things to show me that you love me or even care for me. You just need to show it." He placed his hand on Yoongi's. "But thank you for everything you've done for me." Yoongi smiled. "Well, I also got myself the same one. But with your name on it." Jimin smiled. "I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend."

Hi... I'm tired ... I need friends anyone down to message me? :')))))))))) and I hope you're all enjoying the story because it'll sadly come to an end reaaaallly soon :(

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