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Jimin clenched the back of Yoongi's shirt and nuzzled his face into his chest.

"Graduation is in two months." Yoongi said as he continued to drive. "Oh yeah.." Jimin didn't like the thought of college. Being away from home and different living styles. "I don't want to go to college." Jimin mumbled. "Neither do I. But how are we gonna live a good life with no job?" Yoongi had a point. "I'll become a stripper."

Yoongi couldn't hold in his laugh. "How about you just stay my little stripper as a side job." Jimin couldn't help but laugh along with him. "You know, no one's made me laugh like that in a while." Jimin couldn't help but blush and smile his ass off. "Cute." Yoongi continued to drive.

"Hey sleep head, we're here." Yoongi slightly shook Jimin awake. "My place?" Jimin rubbed his eyes. "Nope, mine." Jimin stretched as he got out of the car. "Not surprised this time?" Jimin tiredly shook his head. He walked up to the door and waited for Yoongi to open it.

"Go lay down on my bed." Yoongi slightly pushed him towards his room. Jimin walked into a wall but eventually made it. Yoongi sat down on the couch. He thought Jimin would want to sleep in his own space. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable. So he just sat and watched the T.V till he fell asleep.

When he woke up, he was in his bed, with Jimin. They were facing each other. Jimin was still asleep. Yoongi couldn't help but to smile. "Cute." He whispered as low as he could. "I'm not cute." Jimin stretched. "Sorry, did I wake you?" He layed back down. "Nope, I was laying there with my eyes closed, that's all." He smiled at Yoongi. "Why are you so smiley today?" He smiled back. "I'm just happy."

"Wait, what time is it?" Jimin asked as his smile faded. "I don't know. Check your phone." He reached in his pocket and turned his phone on. 7:30 PM. He checked his notifications as he got up. 'Jimin, it's almost time for that important dinner I talked about a while back. Hurry home.' He grabbed his shoes and tugged at Yoongi's arms. "I have to get home, now." Yoongi saw the seriousness in his face and hopped up.

"Why are we in such a rush? I thought we'd spend the night together." Yoongi asked while driving to Jimin's place. "It's an 'important' dinner. How about, you stay for dinner?" Jimin looked at Yoongi. He was smiling so much. "I'd like that." Jimin couldn't help but smile too.

"Ah, Jimin you're- who's this?" His mom looked at Yoongi. He wasn't dressed badly since he dresses so nice on a daily basis. "Oh, my close friend Yoongi. I was hoping he could stay for dinner too?" His mom looked hesitant. "Alright." She smiled at Yoongi.

"Haha, change of plans, we have another guest, hope it isn't a problem." Jimin's mom said as she walked into the kitchen. "Oh no, it's fine." He heard a man's voice, which drew him to the kitchen. He walked in and immediately wanted to leave.

"Eunju? Why is she here?" Jimin was getting angry. His voice raised a little. "Um, Jimin.. this is my friend I told you about a while ago, he brought his daughter." Jimin's eyes opened wide. "I can't believe you dared step foot in my home after I told you I never wanted to see your face again!" His face was red from anger. "Jimin, calm down please." His mom put her hand on him and he moved away. "Didn't I tell you the hatred I have towards you?" The girl looked on the verge of tears.

"Jimin.. I'm sorry, it was the past. I just want what we used to." The girl got up. Jimin looked more and more mad the more she walked towards him.

"Can't you see what you've don't to him? Can't you leave him alone?" Yoongi finally spoke up. "And who are you?" Eunjus dad stood up. "I'm Jimin's boyfriend." Everyone looked shocked and the girl broke down in tears. "Jimin... Is this true?" He stayed silent. "Yoongi, let's go."

They went up to Jimins room and he grabbed a few bags. "Can I stay with you?" Yoongi was taken aback but agreed. Jimin filled the bags with his stuff and put them in Yoongi's car. He came back inside and spoke to his mom.

"Mom, I'm sorry. But I'll be staying with my friend... For a while." She looked sad, but she knew how he was when he was angry so she understood he needed time. She allowed it.

"Jimin.." he turned. "What?" He had a nasty tone. "Please, I still love you. Please take me back... He was lying right? That guy out there?"

"No, that's my boyfriend. I'm proud to say it now. Min Yoongi, the only man to make me happy, is my boyfriend."

It's a little longer cause it's hella dramatic 🤧🤷

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