twenty one

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"I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend."

"Happy birthday! How does it feel to be 22?" Yoongi held up a camera recording Jimin with his cake. "I feel old!" They both broke out into laughter. "It's also another special day. Do you remember?" Yoongi grinned.

"Of course, how could I forget the day you proposed to me?" Jimin smiled. That's right, Yoongi and Jimin are engaged.

[Flashback 2 years ago]

Jimin and Yoongi had gone back into the city for a date night out. "Ah, we find ourselves once again back at this ferris wheel." Yoongi smiled and turned to face Jimin. "My favorite place to be, all thanks to you." Jimin smiled widely. "Let's get on." Jimin nodded.

"Almost at the top!" Jimin started getting excited. "Now is the perfect time. "Yoongi got down on one knee in front of Jimin. "For wh- Yoongi?" Yoongi only smiled, holding the small box in front of Jimin.

"We've been together for 4 years. I want to stay together for way longer than that. To ensure it, will you marry me?" Jimin smiled warmly as he nodded his head in agreement. "Of course I would." Yoongi placed the ring on Jimins finger and kissed him. "Right on time, we're exactly at the top." Jimin smiled as Yoongi wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

[End of flashback]

"That was one memorable day." Jimin said while looking at his ring. "I'll never forget it." Yoongi smiled. "I have one last gift for you today." Yoongi smirked. "Oh boy." Jimin chuckled.

"Hop in the car and we can go see it. But put this blindfold on." Jimin hesitantly took the blindfold and put it over his eyes when he sat in the car. "Is this really necessary?" He said with a small laugh. "It'd ruin the surprise if you saw it straight away." Yoongi said while beginning to drive.

"Are we there yet?" Jimin rested his head on his hand, leaning on the door. "You must be really excited, you always fall asleep." Yoongi laughed. They finally reached their destination and Yoongi helped Jimin out of the car. "Okay a few more steps." Yoongi held Jimins hands to guide him. " Here, you'll need this." Yoongi placed the object in Jimins hand. "What's this? A key?"

Yoongi slowly and carefully took the blindfold off of Jimin. "Where is this? W-Why are we here?" Jimin was confused. "Our new home." Jimins mouth slowly opened. "R-Really?" Yoongi nodded. "Why don't you try that key out?" Yoongi smiled as Jimin inched to the door. "No way." The door opened.

"It's so big!" Jimin ran around. "I made sure it'd be big enough for you to put whatever you wanted in here. We were so cramped in that apartment." Yoongi closed the door behind him. "When do we move in?" Jimin paused from all his jumping. "Hm, today if you want? I can call the movers right now, just say the word-" Jimin smiled from ear to ear. "Yes!"

"So, change of plans." Yoongi got off the phone. "What?" Jimin frowned. "We're leaving all that old junk of ours there and we're buying new things. Only if that's fine by you." Jimin smiled and playfully punched Yoongi. "You had me scared. But I'm fine with that." Jimin hugged Yoongi tightly.

"I'm glad I met you. You make my life full of joy and smiles. I always wake up with a smile because I'm able to wake up next to you. Thank you." Yoongi smiled and held back any tears. "I love you, Park." Jimin smiled. "I love you too."

And that, started their new life together. They later adopted a child two years after their marriage, got a puppy and named it Holly to grow up with their new child. They lived, as they say, happily ever after.

Oh nooo is ended nowwww. Hope you liked it :)))))) I decided to unpublish Ghost till I'm happy with it. But I'm working on something else :)))))) hope you'll enjoy that too

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