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The next morning Yoongi woke up and Jimin wasn't there. He got up and checked the apartment. He wasn't there. "What the hell?" He was kind of worried because he also noticed Jimin left his phone.

"I'm back!" Yoongi turned and saw Jimin walk in with a smile planted on his face while holding two bags. "I bought breakfast!" Yoongi couldn't stay mad at that face. He hugged him tight. "Woah, something happen?" Jimin hugged him back. "No, I just wanna hug my boyfriend."

"Next time, tell me before you leave." Jimin nodded with a smile. "cute." They sat together in the kitchen and ate the pancakes and other breakfast foods Jimin bought. "I want to do something fun today. But something coupley fun." He looked confused at his own statement. "I get what you mean. We'll leave after I wash up." Jimin smiled.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked excitedly. "Somewhere." Yoongi said with a grin.

"Man, you always fall asleep on these car rides." Yoongi chuckled. "Wake up, we're here." He gently shook Jimin. "We're here?" Jimin said as he stretched. He stepped out of the car. They were in the city now. "Why are we all the way out here?" Jimin looked around. He hadn't been anywhere other than his little neighborhood and the beach where Yoongi took him. "To do couple things." He grabbed Jimin by the wrist and took him into a movie theater.

"Wow, that was a nice movie!" Jimin smiled brightly. "The day's not over yet." He held into Jimins hand and they walked into a barbeque restaurant. "This meat is way to expensive, don't you want to go somewhere cheaper?" Jimin asked. "Nothing is too expensive for you." Jimin grew a large smile.

"I'm so stuffed. Thank you for the meal!" Yoongi smiled at how satisfied Jimin looked. "Off the the next place." He grabbed Jimins hand again and hurried off to their next destination.

"Shopping?" Yoongi nodded. He couldn't decide what to choose so Yoongi chose him some things and Jimin agreed to all of them. "Are you ready to go?" Jimin nodded. "Three.... Thousand... Dollars?" The lady nodded. Yoongi handed her his credit card like nothing. "Bab- Yoongi don't you think that's too much?" Yoongi smiled and shook his head. "You two must be very close best friends." She smiled. Yoongi grabbed the bags and handed Jimin some too. "Not at all, I'm his boyfriend." The lady looked taken aback for a second. "You two are so cute." The smile returned to her face.

"Where to now?" Jimin asked while having his arm locked with Yoongi's. "Hm, wanna go ice skating?" Jimin's eyes lit up. "Take that as a yes."

"I-I can't do it!" Jimin yelped as he held onto Yoongi. "Yes you can, just balance yourself." Jimin slowly stood up. "See, you're doing it." Yoongi said proudly as he let go of Jimin. "I did it!" Jimin said excitedly. "C-Can we stop now?" Jimin said as he let out a nervous laugh. His legs had hurt so much from falling.

"This, is our last stop of the night." Jimin's eyes had widened and jaw dropped. "A ferris wheel? Wow, I've never been on one!" Jimin got excited and pulled Yoongi to the line to the entrance.

"Woah! We're almost at the very top!" Jimin smiled. "You know, someone said that when a couple sits on the Ferris wheel, they will end by breaking up. Unless the couple kiss each other when the Ferris wheel raises to the highest point, then they will break the curse and be together forever in their lives." Jimin quickly turned to Yoongi. "Why is that?" Yoongi smiled as he stared at Jimin. Then he realized they were now at the very top. Yoongi slowly pulled Jimin towards him and kissed him.

"There, now we'll spend our lives together forever." Jimin smiled. "I'd like that."

I love the ferris wheel legend but im lonely 🤷😂 anyways I'm surprised people actually read this??? I tried to make it cute but idk 🤷

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