Chapter 3- Leaving for Tour

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I am going to try writing this chapter in present tense. Sorry I'm changing it up, I just want to see if I like how this turns out better.

Colleen's P.O.V.
I am waking up and getting out of bed. Last night I only slept for 4 hours because I went to bed at 3 and had to get up at 7. I am going into the bathroom to throw on the clothes Kory and I left out for travel day. Leggings and a sweater crop top. I find the shoes that Angela Kinsey calls my paper shoes and throw those on. I go down stairs and see Kory sitting at the counter. "Aww, you made a Starbucks run for me!"
"Yep," he replies.
I sit down to drink my vanilla bean mocha with 2 shots of espresso. The second sip I take I drop the cup and spill it all down myself. "Oh, shit!"
Kory jumps up to get me paper towels, but it's too late. The coffee is already all over me and the counter. There was a bunch of crap (mostly papers) on the counter. I ball it up and throw it all away. Hope it wasn't anything too important.
After the mocha fail I go upstairs to change my entire outfit. I find another pair of leggings and match an old Miranda merch shirt. I go to brush my teeth and put on make up only to find that Josh has locked the bathroom door. "Baby, I really need you to hurry up in there!"
An annoyed Josh replies, "Colleen, I'm pooping. Don't rush me. If you needed to get in here, you should have told me. I would have let the door unlocked. Maybe if you weren't always going somewhere you wouldn't have to rush around so much"
"Well how was I supposed to know. You know literally all my makeup and everything to get ready is in there. I have to leave the house in less than an hour! And besides, I'm the one paying the bills so I wouldn't complain about me being gone!"
"I guess you'll have to just wear Miranda lipstick and call it a day!" Josh yelled.
"Fine I will!"
With that I stomp into the Miranda room. I sit on the floor for a few minutes. How did I just get in a fight with Josh over bathroom time? Tears spill out of my eyes. I can't believe I just pulled the "I'm the one paying the bills" card on him. I've never done that before! I try to pull myself together. I dig up a children's eye shadow palette from a video and red lipstick. I find some practically orange foundation that I'm using for a video soon to make fun of one of our presidential candidates and some face lotion. I put some orange foundation on my hand and mix in a ton of lotion. This lightens the foundation a little, but it's still most certainly NOT my color. I apply it and rub it in with my finger. I put on red lipstick then dab a metallic brownish kids eyeshadow over the red. I know red lipstick is normal, but whenever I wear it, even if it's not outside the lip line, I look like Miranda. Since I don't have concealer, I can't cover up the fact that my eyes are red and puffy. Whatever, Kory has seen me much worse. I grab the bags that I packed for Miranda and take them downstairs. Kory sees me and says, "Colleen, are you okay? Have you been crying?"
"Yeah..." then I tell Kory what happened..."We were not so much fighting about bathroom time at that point but the fact that I'm "always gone,"" I said through tears, "then I said something I never thought I'd say. Kory I pulled the financial card on him!"
Kory grabs me, and I lay my head on his shoulder. He rubs my back. "I need to call my sister," I said.
I step outside. The phone starts to ring, and I get nervous. What if Rachel thinks it's ridiculous? What if she tells Josh. When these thoughts are racing through my head, I hear, "Hello?"
C- "Ohmygod Rachel," I say and start crying again
     R-"Col-leen!  What happened?  Don't lie. I want to hear the whole story."
     So I told Rachel the story. I was tiptoeing around the fact that I had said I make all the money, but eventually I had to tell her.  "...and then, oh, you're going to hate me Rach!"
     R-"If I don't hate you after years of you spitting in my hair and bossing me around I'm pretty sure there is nothing that could come out of your mouth to make me hate you."
     C-"Rachel, I pulled the financial card!  I said that even though I'm gone all the time, I'm the one that makes the money, so he better appreciate it.  Josh lost it!  He didn't hurt me or anything don't worry.  He just yelled through the door, "I guess you'll just have to wear Miranda lipstick and leave it at that!"  Rachel, I literally did my makeup with a combination of children's eyeshadow, Miranda lipstick, Trump foundation, and lotion!  I'm a hot mess!"
     R-"Colleen!  Pull yourself together.  You were speaking from your instinct at that moment and you needed a comeback. It's fine!  Josh should respect that you're doing what you love. And as for the makeup, well.  And why the hell do you have Trump foundation?!"
     C-"Don't ask."
     R-"I'll be over in 15 minutes. Don't argue. I'm coming.  Love you!"
     C-"Thanks, Rach.  Love you too."
     Well Rachel actually cheered me up a little.  I am managing to conduct myself like a proper adult.  I am going to the kitchen to get a drink.  After I cool off, I'm going to talk to Josh. Whether I feel like I should apologize or not, I can't leave the country on bad terms with my husband.

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