The populars

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Hi! I love to write poems and I just like writing in general, but I don't think i'd be able to handle writing a whole story, so I thought why not try showing people my poems first and see what you guys think! well enough about me, here's my first poem I would like to show you guys, and just so you know these are all poems that I wrote that reflect on my true feelings and life, so yeah, enjoy:) (sorry about any bad language if it offends you)


This is a poem I called:

"The populars"

Hope you like it!

"There are no groups"

Are the lies we tell,

meanwhile these lies

Put us through hell

On the outside we seem

Like sunshine and smiles,

Yet on the inside it feels like

We've been walking alone for miles

"We" are the outcasts,

The ones put aside

By the group of "populars",

It's because of them we've cried

Though not their intentions,

They push us away

And make us feel lonelier

Day by day

They're seemingly perfect

With their grades high,

Constantly smiling

And never feeling shy

Some "populars" are my friends,

Though by condition I act like them

And that my friend is the reason why

I will never be the "popular" kind.


So what did you think?

Let me know!

If you have any ideas on topics for future poems I could write let me know.

T'il next time <3


My poems, the sad reality of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now