I try

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I try,

I really do,

But I can't ever seem

To please you.

I can never get it right

I've always been

Such a failure,

I can never win.

I can't run fast,

Nor jump high,

I'm a true loner,

And I'm always to shy.

I Have no ability to dance,

I suck at art,

And others make me feel

Not so smart.

Although I have some talents,

All others see

Is my large amount of flaws

That haunt me.

All the effort I put

Into fitting in,

Goes unnoticed.

Is it such a sin,

Is there something wrong,

With Wanting more?

It's all because

Of those who ignore.

They take away

What pride I have left

And leave me to suffer

From this theft.

"Life's unfair"

Is what's told

To those who's hearts

Made of gold,

Are ripped and torn to pieces

By none other than

Those who they try to impress.

Their hurting them again!

Life isn't fair, but I ask you this

Even know that simple phrase is true

Hearing that saying,

What good does it do?

I don't want pity,

I don't want attention,

I just want to fit in,

Rid of the tension.

Because I try,

Every day,

All I want is success,

What more is there to say?


Hello there my little ninja turtles,

So watcha think?

I know that authors notes aren't really that interesting, like they kinda get annoying so, I've decided sometimes I'm just not going to write to much after my poems, because, let's face it, no one is THAT interested In this.

❤ you guys. and remember I'm always here if you need a friend to talk to.


My poems, the sad reality of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now