To avoid a heartless misery

37 3 2

People die,

The world is rough,

Children cry,

We must stay tough

Hold on tight,

It's a bumpy ride,

We tried to fight,

And keep our pride,

Yet we lost,

And still, we fought

To win at all costs,

For the things that can't be bought

Love and affection,

That's all we want,

Not money, nor perfection,

We can resist those taunts.

Just give me love,

That's all I need,

In order to avoid

A heartless misery


Hey, sorry for the slow updates,

But it's almost summer!!!! which also means I'll have more time for writting!!!! yay!!!

I've even debated writting an actual book, maybe, possibly.........

Now all I need is:


A title

A subject


A plot

Words, lots of words

The ability to be funny

Maybe If I get those i'll start my own novel, so let me know what you think in the comments, and if any of you actually read these...

Bye my little ninja cookies <3

My poems, the sad reality of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now