Chapter 4

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(MILEYS pov)

"I'm gonna hibernate in my room" I say getting off my stool.

"Hibernate? Why hibernate?" Nash asks laughing.

"Cause I'm secrete ya squirrel" I give him a serious face and run off.

Nash and Hayes look at Cameron and start laughing.

"I really don't know what went wrong with her" he said laughing too.

I open my door slowly and tidy my room a bit, I get my phone and start texting lily.

L: lily
M: miley

L; hey girlie, want to go shopping.

"YESS!!!" I scream. Woops let me just text her that.

M; yeah sure what time? <3 x

"Miley what was that about" Cameron shouted.

"Don't worry I'll tell yous in a minuet.

L; 20 mins? I can pick you up xx

20 mins I'm in my pyjamas!

M; sure! X

I quickly chuck some clothes on. Pale blue leggings with a white crop top covered with Daisy's and white converse.,I run into the bathroom and apply a small amount of makeup. I curled some of my hair it was hard because it came down the my waist!!. I put a small daisy chain in my hair and a daisy chain bracelet.

I grab my bag and purse and search through them for money. I'm broke! I can't go to town with No money!!

"ARGHHHHH!" I scream again.

"U ok miles?' Cam asked.

"no!" I shout.

I run downstairs nearly falling and start tearing the cushions off the sofa looking for spare cash.

Suddenly I hear Hayes Nash and cam walk in.

"What are you doing??" Nash asked.


"I've got this one" Cameron said laughing "she spent all her money on one pair of designer shoes and now she don't have anything so she's turning the house upside down."

The boys laughed a bit.

"How much were the shoes??" Hayes asked.

"Umm about £500-600" I say still searching.

Nash and Hayes eyes widened.

"Wait why do you need money??" Cameron asked all eyes turning on me.

"I'm going to town quickly with lily" I say standing still.

"But we are going to the cinema!" He says.

"It's what 10am?!? The cinema is at 2!" I say.

"Hmm ok but is it just you and lily??" Cameron asks.

"Hmm ok is it just you and lily cause if Justin is going you can't go cause your too young to be around boys blah blah blah!" I say mimicking Cameron and walking into the kitchen. I heard Hayes and Nash chuckle.

I see Cameron's wallet and open it slowly. I take out £70 and hide it in my bag.

"What are you doing" Cameron asked.

I freeze.


I run to the door and open it to see lily.

"Hey butt" lily says.

"Hi butt" I say back.

"Hi!" Nash says making us both jump.


"Uh he lives here now with his brother hayes. There friends of Cameron's." I explain.

"OMG!!!!" She says fangirling.

"Sorry bout her!" I say to Nash.

"Haha it's ok" Nash said as he left.

"MILEY WHERES MY MONEY!!" Cameron said.

"RUN!" I shouted to lily slamming the door.

"We both got in the taxi and he drove off.

(Hayes pov)

Miley looked so hot today! I still wonder who this Justin guy is :/ I hope he's not her boyfriend...

"Cameron who is Justin?" I asked out of curiosity.

"My old friend, mileys new 'friend' but I think they might be more then friends" Cameron said.

My heart dropped.

(Nash pov)

"We should spy on them to see if Justin is there" I suggest.

"Yeah that would be good" Cameron said.

"I'm gonna go get ready than" I say walking upstairs.

"Cameron why don't you like Justin?" I ask.

"He uses girls and gets them in bed" he said angry.

"We don't want smiley with him then" I say.

"I know I've warned her though but she doesn't listen." Cameron said.

"Do you think Hayes and miley would be a cute couple?" I ask.

"Personally yes! But she's not allowed a boyfriend" Cameron says.

"Ohh" I say.


1. Is Miley already dating Justin or are they still friends!

2. Why isn't Miley allowed a boyfriend?

3. Is Hayes falling for miley??

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