Chapter 23

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(Miley's pov)

We uploaded the video. I got loads of people tweet me #shiley..... What's that?

We got so many views it was insane!!

"I'm gonna go find hayes" I said to shawn.

"Ok, thanks, see ya later" he said hugging me and I hugged back...

(Hayes pov)

I can't believe she did that. I'm so mad right now. I don't care what cameron does I'm getting even.

I found a girl down in the reception and invited her upstairs. I knew Miley would be back soon. I didn't explain much. I pushed her onto the bed and crashed my lips against hers. She wasn't as good as Miley. I heard our door handle move so I started grinding on her.

Miley walked in.

"WTF!!" She screamed slamming the door behind her.

I smirked and kept doing it.

"HAYES WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" She screamed.

She sounded like she was hurt... But she did it to me!!

"Cheating on you like you cheated on me" I spat and stopped kissing the girl.

"WHATTT? NO I DIDNT!" She screamed.

"YES YOU DID!!" I shouted.

"WHEN?" Miley shouted tears now forming in her eyes.


"ARE YOU SERIOUS?? HE KISSED ME AND AFTER I HAD A GO AT HIM!!" Miley said screaming and slamming the door running out of it.

(Nash pov)

I heard screaming and shouting from #hayleys room so I listend quietly. I couldn't really hear anything I was about to go and look so I opened my door and Miley ran our crying.

"Miley!" I shout I caught up with her and grabbed her wrist. She flinched, in pain????

"Sorry did I hurt you" I said.

"No" she said crying.

"What's wrong"' I said.

"Hayes accused me of cheating because me and shawn did a duet and at the end if the video he kissed my cheek and I had a go at him but I don't think hayes saw that part and when I came back upstairs he was kissing this girl" Miley said hugging me.

I'm so mad at Hayes.

I hugged her tight and whispered in her ear.

"I'm always here for you smiley, your like my sister, Hayes is a dick"

She pulled away and looked at me.

"Thanks" she said.

"I'm gonna go talk to hayes" I said.

"Okay" she said walking off.

(Miley's pov)

I'm done. I'm so done. I want to run away and never come back for as long as I live. I want to die. This is my first proper heartbreak and it hurts bad.

I walk away from Nash and head downstairs. I try not to let people notice me. I creeped out the back door and walked off somewhere. I didn't care where.

(Nash pov)

I'm furious.

"HAYES" I shout.

"What" he spat opening the doors. I stomp in and see that girl.

"Out" I said to her. She left.

"What the fuck man!!" I scream.

"So you know" Hayes said.

"Yep!!" Nash said.

"She cheated first" Hayes mumbled.

"Hayes no she didn't I watched the video! At the end you can see Miley quickly look angry!" I said.

I could see guilt spread across Hayes body.

" and what you did to Miley was sick!" I spat.

"I don't care she deserved it" Hayes said.

"Whatever Hayes. You can't mix with people's emotions! She's just been used! Now this! What's cameron gonna say?" I spat.

"I don't care she did deserve it" Hayes said.

I'm so mad I walked out slamming the door and went back in to my room. All the other boys were downstairs eating breakfast.

(Miley's pov)

It was now 7pm and getting quiet dark. I'm scared now. But I don't want to see anyone.

I text Nash.

M: I'm Lost. x

N: Where are you? Are you outside?!?! x

M: ummm yeah :/ .... X

N: why are you outside? Where does it look like you are? x

M: I was depressed and fed up. And uh well there's big trees and like a park near here.

N: On my way! x

I was sitting on the cold floor when I heard footsteps.

"Miley" he said.

I looked up at nash.

"Thanks" I said getting up.

"No problem just please don't run off" nash said.

"Sorry, I won't" I said.

He gave me a hug then we started walking back to the hotel.

When we got In I thought everybody was gonna run up to us.

"Do they know" I asked Nash.

"Only shawn. Hayes had a go at him" Nash said.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go upstairs I'm tired"' I said.

"Okay, I'll try keep hayes down here as long as possible or you could share with cameron tonight?" Nash offered.

"It's ok just keep Hayes down here" I said hugging nash.

"Thanks for everything" I added.

"No problem" nash said.

I started walking off when a lady walked up to me.

"Here is some mail that came for you" a lady said handing me 2 letters.

"Oh okay thanks" i said taking the letters

I walk up to our room and go in. I sit on the sofa and look at the letters..

I could tell. One was from the war...


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