Chapter 7

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(Hayes pov)

I start running through the crowds of people and eventually I lost them. Why did Miley run off? Where is she?

"Miley" I called out. No Answer .

I'm getting scared now.

I walk around for another half an hour and still can't find her. I get a call from Nash!

N; Nash

N; Cameron is starting to freak out have you found her yet?😢

H; no I've looked everywhere!!! 😫

N; Cameron's really scared we will come help where r u?

Suddenly I heard someone crying.

H; nevermind.

N; what?

I slowly walk over to this big tree in the middle of the forest.
I think I can see miley in it.

"Miley??" I call out.

She turns around and locks eyes with me but then turns back around.

(MILEYS pov)

I'm sitting in my tree. Feeling like shit. How could Justin do this! I open my bag and pull out a razor.

I slowly lift my sleeve and start to open the bruised skin along my arm. Blood appearing rather quickly.

"Miley" I hear someone call. Hayes. I turned back around I had to hide my razor.
Hug started climbing the tree. Shit. I pulled my sleeve down and but my bag over my arms.

"Are you ok" he asks sitting next to me.
I look at him and burst out crying.
He wraps his arms around me tightly he squeezed my arm a little to tight and I winced in pain.

He looked at me weirdly then down at my arms. He took my bag and hung it on a branch then rolled my sleeve up.

"Miley why would you do this!!" He said holding my arm.

I kept silent. More blood gushing out I felt dizzy.hayes quickly stood up and took his jumper off he wrapped it around my arm ever so softly.

"Thanks" I say my voice sore from the crying.

"That's fine, please don't do this miley" he said.

"You don't understand" I said.

"Tell me why you did it" Hayes said.

I took out my phone I showed him the video. "I don't have feelings for her....she's a slut...I want her in bed....miley DALLAS"

(Hayes pov)

"You don't deserve him your way to cute for him" did I just say that?!

"Thanks" miley stutters.

"Don't listen to him ever, your none of what he called you! And like your brother said he is a user" I explained.

"Yeah I hate him" miley said.

N; where are you this isn't funny Cameron looks like he's about to pass out! 😟

H; don't worry WE will be back home soon 😉

"It's like everyone only knows and likes me because I'm miley DALLAS" miley says.

"No! Everyone likes you because your stunning, funny,....." I said.

"Thanks" miley said smiling.

"Let's go back home" I say grabbing her hand.

"Yeas.......I'm happy you moved in" miley says smiling at me.i love that. I love her.

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