Chapter 15

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(Hayes pov)

"Miley wanna go upstairs" I ask her.

"Sure" she said grabbing my hand. Instantly Nash makes kissy faces at us.

"Let's do a video" I suggest.

"Ok what one?" Miley asks.

"Boyfriend tag?" I ask. This way the boys would know she's mine!

"Yeah!" She said.

"We can put it on both our YouTube accounts!" I said.

"Yeah!" She said.

@mileydallas:!Hi Guys! So me and @hayesgrier are doing the boyfriend\girlfriend tag thing so send in your questions under the hasHtag #AskHayley thanks guys! 💖😘

Hayes tweeted the same.

We started filming.

"Hi guys Hayes here"
"Hai Miley here to!"

"We are doing the boyfriend girlfriend tag!" Hayes said.

"First question"

@griersrule: How did you too meet? #askhayley

"I moved in MILEYS house and yeah she was interesting the first day aha and yeah we got to know each other very well so yeah" Hayes said blushing.

@dallasmile: What do you love best about each other? 😘 #askhayley?

"I love everything about him, his personality..specially his eyes" miley said.

"Everything" I said.

@lolmagconguys: #askhayley Are you both going to magcon and if you are can miley sing there?!? 😜😘🎤

"Yeah we are and yes miley would love to sing there" I blurted out.

"Aha I need to gain more confidence first!!!" Miley said.

@onedirectionmagconboysrulesomuchilovethem: I dare you guys to kiss! #askhayley 💋💋😘😘😘

Hayes looked at me and we both kissed each other passionately for about 29 seconds.

"Wow you have a long name and thanks for the dare I enjoyed it!" Hayes said smirking,

We carried on doing a lot of questions and dares and it was really nice.

"That was fun!!" Miley said.

"Yeah!!" I said.

(Nash pov)

I was just in twitter then I saw some had put something like 'OMG did you see how many subscribers and followers got just from that video??'

I then went onto her page on twitter she had 1.9 million!!!

"SMILEY!" I shout.

I hear two people coming downstairs.

"What" Hayes and miley ask.

"you have 1.9 MILLION FOLLOWERS ON TWITTER!" Nash screams.

"Shut up!" Miley says.

"How many on YouTube?" She asks.

I quickly checked.

"2 Million!!" Nash said.

"Woahh!" Hayes said.

Miley was taken for words

"Let's do something fun today" Cameron said.

"Swim with sharks!" Nash said.

" NO" Miley screams.

"Dolphins?" Nash said laughing.

"They might turn evil and swim you into the shark enclosure" Miley said.

"Well what do u wanna do?" Hayes asks.

"Um well we only have a week left don't we" miley says.

"Yep!" Cameron said.

"How long are we away for again?" Miley asks

"2-3 months why?" Cameron said.

"NO!!!!" Mikey screams and runs upstairs.

(Cameron's pov)

"Miley!" I call out after her. What's wrong with her?

"Is she ok" Nash said.

"I don't know, maybe she's scared of getting home sick" I said.



I can't believe I'm missing Lily's 15th birthday! We've been planning it for ages.

I need to go and talk to her.

I chuck one of Cameron's baggy sweaters on and run downstairs towards the door.

"Miley" Cameron called stopping me.

"Cameron I have to go!!!" I said nearly in tears.

"Why" he asks.

"Just have to!" I say before pushing him out the way I run down the path before he could stop me and begin walking to Lily's house.

"OMG ITS MILEY!" I hear loads of people scream.

"Shit" I mumble and run to Lily's door step.

By this point people were pulling my hair and I saw someone with a 'live' camera so this couldn't be good.

Lily didn't answer so I barged in and slammed the door shut.

"Lily" I said.

I walked upstairs and opened her door. I couldn't believe my eyes...


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