Chaoter 70

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(Hayes pov)

My heart just sunk and smashed I to a million pieces..

"What" I said.

"I'm sorry?" She said confused.

"Who is he cam" she asked cameron.

"The doctor said she will recover Hayes" Cameron said to me.

I stood there. Frozen.

"Miley, tell me about you" Cameron said.

"Um, your my brother!! You should know" Miley laughed.

"Just tell me please anyway mi" Cameron said.

"Oh ok, my name is Miley Dallas, lived in caring home for ages, love the colour blue, parents died, oh and my best friend is lily and my boyfriend is Justin!" She said.

"NOOOO" I screamed.

Nash put his hand over my mouth and dragged me out the room.

"NO NO ARGHHH!" I screamed.

"Hayes, she will recover, no one knows when or how but she will ok?" Nash said.

"I know! But it could take forever!!!! I'm not waiting that long!" I cried.

"Woah! There should only be one person in here at a time!" We heard the doctor say.

Soon after all the boys apart from Cameron came out.

"You ok man?" Most of them asked me.

"No! My girlfriend thinks the boy who tried to kill Cameron is her boyfriend!" I said.

"Didn't you break up with her?" Nash asked.

"Oh yeah, but I didn't mean it, I love her a lot" I said.

Suddenly Cameron came out.

"How is she?" Jack asked,

"She can't remember much...I asked her why she thinks she's in hospital and she doesn't have a clue.." Cameron said.

"She will remember Everything soon tho right?" I asked,

"Who knows" Cameron said putting his hands in his face.

"One person is allowed to stay with her tonight" the doctor said.

"Cameron" everyone said.

"I think Hayes should" Cameron said...


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