Chapter 58

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(Miley's pov)

I started panicking and sweating. I couldn't tell the boys it would ruin the whole day. Just got to keep it quiet and ignore them.

That's right.

Lily and Justin.

"Babe you ok?" Hayes asked

"Huh oh yeah I'm fine" I said fake smiling.

"Good" he said kissing my neck.

"Grier" cameron said.

Hayes put his hands up and stopped kissing me.

"Okay guys opening the doors now" Bart said.

We had half an hour to meet and greet the fans.

A crowd of people came running in screaming at us all. We all went our separate ways and met some fans.

I was right down the end and no one really saw me unless 10 fans. I had to move up in a bit tho.

"Hey Miley I love you" a fan said.

"I love you too!!" I said hugging her.

I suddenly felt 2 strong arms around me one around my both and the other around my arms.

I tried screaming but that was no use. No one saw what was happening to me and it happened so fast.

"Hush babe" a familiar voice said.

I was thrown in a closet I stood up scared to see who it was. Justin. And. Lily.

"What do you want?!?" I spat.

"Revenge love" Justin said smirking.

"What did I ever do to you?!?!?" I said scared.

"Left us, for fame and a lot more" lily said.

"What?!-" I began.

Suddenly Justin punched me straight in the mouth causing my lip to bleed uncontrollably.

I silently cried due to the pain and fell back hitting my head.

Both if them laughed at me and it was the worst feelings ever.

"Go die you fat slut" lily said before they both left me. Lying there.

I cleaned myself up and applied some makeup to cover the massive cut on my lip and it worked.

My head hurt a lot but nothing could ruin this day anymore to me!

I walked back out to meet some more fans and Hayes walked up to me. Crap.

"Where have you been mi" he asked.

"Oh uh, had to use the toilet" I lied.

"Aha ok" he said hugging me then walking off.


"Right as everyone probably knows we have a birthday girl in this room today" Nash said up on stage and the crowd roared.

"So we are all gonna sing happy birthday! 3....2.....1" Nash added.

They all sang me happy birthday and brought a cake out afterwards and I swear I was nearly in tears. This is the nicest things anyone had ever done for me.

I suddenly saw Justin and lily glaring at me. I was so scared. I was also relieved cameron hadn't noticed them.

-after magcon-

"What a day" I said jumping on the couch.

"It's not over yet" Hayes said smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm taking you out somewhere, so get ready and meet me downstairs in 1 hour" is all what he said then left.

I quickly got up had a shower got dressed.. I wore a short dress with a black too half and gold bottom half with gold straps and black high heel converse.

I applied light makeup but with lipstick again to his the forming scar.

I did my hair in a long braid going down one side and made my way towards the reception.

"You look amazing" Hayes said. He was wearing smart stuff too.

"Thanks" I said blushing.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see" he said smirking.

-at the restaurant-

"OMG Hayes this is my fav!"I said hugging him tightly.

"I know" he said.

I was also happy that no paparazzi or fans were around tbh.

We sat down and ordered our meals.

I was having salmon and a salad and Hayes was having the same.

After dinner he gave me a small box wrapped in gold paper.

"Open it" he said.

I undid it to find a beautiful necklace with a heart on and grave into it was a "M" and "H"

"OMG Hayes I love it" I said hugging him really tight.

He helped me put it on and then we paid.

"Want to go for a walk on the beach" he suggested.

"Sure" I said.

We were walking across the beach then sat down of the rocks and sand looking out over the night sky.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said.

We started leaning in and our lips connected.

Totally forgetting about my bruised lip I winced away in pain and my lip starting bleeding again.

"Miley?!?!?" Hayes said worried.....


\\'How Do You think Hayes Will React?

Will Miley Tell Him,

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