Chapter 45

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(Austin's Pov)

I was laying in bed and I looked over at Miley to see if she was asleep.. She was.

She is stunning..but Hayes likes her so I won't inter fear..

Cameron and I exchanged numbers incase I needed to get hold of him for Miley..

C: Is she alright? :/

A: Yeh she's ok, she's asleep at the moment.. :-/

C: just keep an eye on her for me :) she's been through a lot :/

A: of course!! She's like my best friend I'd do anything for her.. :)

(Next day)

(Hayes Pov)

I woke up lonely once again... I need miley. I miss her..

I need to relax so i might go skate boarding for a bit to get some air.

It was 6:30 am so I slowly got up got dressed and grabbed my skateboard and opened my door quietly.

I was halfway walking down the hall when I heard a voice

"Hayes"??? Said.

I turned around and saw Taylor..

"Hi" I said.

"Can I join ya?" He asked holding up his skateboard.

"Fine" I said.

We both got outside and started skating down the street luckily there were no paps or fans. I love my fans but I need my privacy.

"Why were you up so early dude?"'Taylor asked.

"I was thinking about miley" I said.

"You really love her don't you"Taylor said.

"Yes! With all my heart! Who couldn't!!?? I regret doing what I did it was a mistake" I said nearly in tears.

"Yeh Miley's a great girl..I know you never meant to hurt Miley.. U just overreacted a bit that's all. Cause u loved her so much" Taylor said.

"Yeh" I said.

(Miley's Pov)

I woke up, it's now 8:30 am, I saw Austin shuffle and his eyes open slowly.

"Do we have any interviews today?" I asked.

"Nope, nothing until the concert... I might go outside and take some pictures and sign autos with fans though all morning" Austin said.

"Ok, can I come?" I asked.

"Yes!!! You have loads of fans here!" Austin said laughing slightly.

"They're awesome my Smilerz" I said giggling.

"You do have the most powerful fans! They made you famous over one video" Austin said.

"I wouldn't say famous.l I'm just a teenage girl who like to sing" I said.

"Your an amazing singer!" Austin said.

"Haha thanks" I said.

"You are too!!!" I said.

(Lilys pov)- She's back!!!

Cameron knows it's us and I think he's told Miley.

"Babe" Justin called out.

"Yeh" I shouted.

We were currently at his house his parents aren't home for months so I'm staying with him.

"Have you text Miley today?" He asked.

"No , you?" I said.

"About to, I hope this ruined her 'holiday' and tears her and Hayes apart" Justin said smirking.

"Bæ they broke up on their own.. They're making this so much easier for us" I said.

"Great! I just want to see her miserable." He said.

"Can't believe I used to be friends with that slut..." I said.

(Mileys pov)

It was now midday and I was about to have lunch then go and greet some fans before the show.

"Hey miley" Austin said walking in the room.

"Hey" I said.

"Wuu2?" He asked.

"About to order some foooood" I said.

"Me to lol, I'm so hungry" he said as his stomach growled.

"I can see! What do u want ill order it when I order mine" I said.

"Oh, umm, a chicken salads sandwich please" he said.

"Ok" I said.

I called room service.

"Hi, please can we have one chicken salad sandwich and one tuna salad?" I said.

"Ok thank you" I said.

"It's just coming" I said to Austin.

(1 hour later)

Me and Austin were heading down towards the fans. We were told that we were going to be on live TV..

We stood by the doors and they were transparent so we could see the crowds going MAD.

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