Chapter 71

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(Hayes pov)

"If she spends some time with you she might remember" cameron said.

"Okay!" I said.

"Well we should be going, I'll go say bye to Miley and we will be back up first thing. Oh and Hayes.. Sleep on the floor" cameron said.

Cameron went back into the room with Miley.

"Try and talk to her" nash said.

"I'll be trying til I die" I said.

I still can't believe she can't remember me. I'm heartbroken.

"You can do it mate" Matt said.

"I just can't stand she thinks Justin is her boyfriend!" I said about to cry.

"She will recover mate" Taylor said.

"Okay well let's go and give Hayes some time with Miley!" Cameron said,

"See you in the morning! The earliest we will be is 9" cameron said.

"Ok, see you then!" I said before going into Miley's room.


"Ok, before you freak out, I'm not a stranger, you know me mi" I said sitting next to the pale girl with a worried face.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you please leave" Miley said.

"No come on, you know me!" I said.

"Can you please get my boyfriend!" Miley said.

"I AM! Well I was. but want to be!!" I said.

"JUSTIN!" She screamed.

"Justin abused you! Hurt you! And almost killed your brother!!" I said.

"He would never do that!" Miley argued.

"He did mi! And that's why your here! You saved cameron! Why do you think your in here?" I asked.

"I.. I... I" she said scared and sad.

That's probably because that's one of the last things she tried doing..

Hours went by of me trying to persuade her but nothing worked..

"Miley, I..I love you!" I said.

She looked into my eyes and held her head.

"Baby what's wrong!" I asked,

She looked in pain and then stopped and stared at me.

"HAYES!" She said.

She leaned up quickly and wrapped her arms around my neck..

"Carefully baby" I said gesturing to the lead attached to her rating her heart.

"OMG I'm so happy your ok!" Miley said.

"Me?! What about you!!!!" I said kissing her cheek.

"Justin made me cheat on you and he threatened to kill all of magcon if I didn't do it!" Miley said about to cry.

"Hey hey hey, it's ok, you did it to protect us, I was so shocked, I didn't mean to dump you mi, I love you!" I said.

"I love you to" she said smiling.

"Be my girlfriend still?" I asked.

"Of course!" She said.

We spent ages talking and cuddling and I explained how she got into hospital.. She also was in a lot of pain so she had some more medicine.

It was about 3 am and we had just finished talking.

I was stood next to her bed we stared at each other for ages. I began leaning in and she bit her lip. I was turned on by this. Our lips connected and we made out for a couple minuets.

We decided it got late so we both got in our beds. It was a bit noisy due to Miley's heart monitor going BEEEEP...BEEEEPP....BEEEEP....BEEEEP

For ages. But it reassures me she's ok..

-10 mins later-

I was woken by a strange noise.


Miley's heart had stopped.

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