Chapter 65

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(Mileys pov)

I lay there in silence as Justin pointed the gun at me.

"Stupid stupid little whore" Justin said putting the gun in his bag again.

"What do you want from me?" I spat.

Justin walked over to me and pulled me up by my hair and punched me hard again.

I winced in pain but him and lily just laughed.

"Me and lily don't like you being with Hayes..." Justin said.


"Don't have to dump him yourself, we will take care of that, but you will do what I say or as I said magcon will meet my gun" Justin snarled.


"Yes, you get everything you want you slut!" Lily spat.

Justin kicked me hard in the stomach whilst lily bitch slapped me. I was to weak to fight back.

I felt worthless.

Right now I'm kind of gutted Justin didn't kill me.

I want to die right now.

"Right now the plan...." Justin said.


( Hayes pov)

"Guys this meeting is taking longer then normal" I said complaining.

"Jeez Hayes go home and we will tell you everything later"'Nash said.

"Really?" I said.

"Yes! Go!!" Nash said.

"Thanks bro" I said getting up.

"No Funny Business With Miley" cameron said.

"Sure!!" I said.


I got home finally!! I opened the door and saw blood marks on the carpet.


"Miley" I shouted.

No answer.

I run upstairs to her room and I could not believe what I saw...

(Miley's pov)

Justin had forced me in bed with him. Not sex. Just a really heated make out session. I had to do it. I didn't want him shooting my family!
He literally pinned me under his grip.

My lip really hurt and he was really rough in his kiss..

I hated doing this but if it was the only way to save my family I had to do it.

"MILEY WTF!!" Hayes screamed pulling me off Justin.

"She's moved on Hayes!"'Justin spat.

"MILEY!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED. YOU CHEATER!!! I HATE YOU! WE ARE OVER!"'Hayes screamed before running away all I heard was the main door slam shut.

"HAYES WAIT!" I shouted! I ran after him.

"Go, he won't want you back now, bye slut!"'Justin and lily said before they made out.

I slammed open the door looking around for Hayes. I saw him get in the taxi that brought him home.

He ignored me and the taxi sped off as soon as I got to it.

"HAYESSSSS" I cried out.

I pulled my hoodie over my head and ran off...

(Hayes pov)

I ran into the meeting room to find Nash and cameron.

I ran in with tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes.

"HAYES WHATS WRONG?" Nash asked worried.

"Miley.. " I cried a bit.

"What?!? Is she ok!??" Cameron asked.

"S-she cheated on mee" I I shouted and cried.

I saw nash and cameron look at each other as if "she wouldn't do that" but she did and I hate her.

"What happened" nash asked.

I walked in and saw blood marks so I got scared ran upstairs and saw Miley cheating on me with Justin" I cried angrily.

"Wait?! Blood marks!?! And Justin!!!" Cameron said.

Things did seem a little fishy!

"We should go back and see what's going on cause this doesn't seem right" Nash said standing up.

(Miley's pov)

I was at the local train station.. Waiting..

I'm such a worthless piece of shit..

Why am I even alive.

I feel so bad for doing that to Hayes! I am the worst human being ever! Why did I do that!?

I saw a train coming so I stood at the platform right on the edge.

It was going faster and faster.



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