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(Hayes pov)

Wow! Her vocals are amazing live!! I remember her never wanting to sing Infront of people and now look at her.

"Q and A now guys!' Someone said.

They added on a extra chair for me and I set next to Nash and Taylor.

"CAMMMMEEERRRROOOOON, I love you!! What do you think of the fans?" Someone shouted.

"I love you to! I love our fans we wouldn't be here without them" Cameron said.

"MILLLEEEYYYYYY, why does Nash call you smiley? And do you still have milk down your bra?" Someone shouted.

"Hahahha, no not anymore! It was freezing! And tbh I don't know ask Nash"miley said. God she's cute

"It's because when me and cam were little I'd go over to play at his house and Miley and her friend would always spy on us and when we caught them Miley always did her really weird smile... But I call her it now still because she's always smiling!" Nash said making everyone chuckle.

"Have you known Miley for ever then?" Someone asked.

"Not forever I only saw her about 4 times when we were little until when me and Hayes moved in with mr and miss Dallas now I see her all the time". Nash said


"Not at home no" I said chuckling.

"Elsewhere" I added wiggling his eyebrows making everyone laugh.

We did some more questions made some vines and hang out with the fans the rest of the day and it was really fun.

(Mileys Pov)

We are currently in the car on our way home. I suddenly got a phone call from Austin.


"Hello" I said answering the phone everyone staring at me.

"Hey miles, just wondering how you are" Austin said.

"I'm great thanks, how's everything and you?" I said.

"Great, miss you, can't wait to see you" Austin said.

"I know, the time will fly by aha" I said.

"I hope! Anyway got to go interview by miles" he said before hanging up.

"Who was that" Cameron asked.

"Sorry dad didn't realise I have to tell you everything I do all the time pronto" I said a bit annoyed.

"Sorry, just worried cause what's been going on" Cameron said.

"It's fine cam, just Austin" I said.

I saw Hayes tense up whenever I said his name so I decided not to say much.

We got home shortly and me and Hayes went up to our room whereas the other boys went swimming the the pool downstairs.

"What up?" I ask Hayes.

"I'm sorry about the car" he said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It's not your fault" I said siting next to him.

"I just get so jealous because I know he was with you for a while-"

"Hayes, no one could ever replace you, I love you and only you!" I said looking at Hayes.

Suddenly he crashed his lips onto mine hard, he pushed me back onto the bed with him on top of me making out.

🚫this will not get dirty for some of your info🚫

"I love you Mi" Hayes said through the kiss.
I couldn't move as Hayes had pinned me down onto the bed so I couldn't move my arms or legs.. Just lips..

"Hey guys, want to-" Nash said barging through the door.

Hayes fell off the bed in shock and I sat up.

"I always interrupt you two when your making out!!!" Nash said laughing.

"Learn to knock!" Hayes said. I just laughed.

Oh how I loved being back with my family.

I suddenly got a text...

????: we NEED to talk ASAP.


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