Chapter 28

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(Miley's pov)

It was 10 am and everyone was just waking up. I was awake most the night due to pain but it was getting better day by day.

"Morning" I heard cameron say.

"Hi" I said.

"How are ya" he asked.

"I'm ok" I said.

"I'm gonna go get breakfast with everyone be back in 45 mins?" Cameron said.

"Sure thats fine I am gonna do a video explaining everything" I said.

"Ok" cameron said before leaving.

I tidied the room up a bit and set up the camera.


"Hi guys it's Miley, just thought I'd explain a bit as a lot of you are confused" I began.

"Well I haven't been the best I've ever been... I've been really stressed lately and depressed.. I did a duet with shawn which you all knew about and a rumour got around which was false. That broke me and Hayes up... Hayley is over. So I was heartbroken and to make it worse I got a letter saying......m-my dad.....was.....k-killed" I said tears forming in my eyes.

"Now the hospital thing.. I was rushed to hospital due to blood loss... I don't want to talk about it but that's pretty much it.." I said.

"To end the video on a happy note I was wondering what I should call all my fans cause I hate calling you guys "guys" aha so I want a new name for you all cause your all my family now" I said smiling.

"I will be doing a singing video when I feel better love you guys, bye!" I said and ended the video.

It took awhile to upload and edit but I eventually did. Getting more then 750,000 views in 6 minuets!

I looked at some of the comments at what I should call my fans some where good!!

: Dallsies, Miles, Smilerz, Dalpals...ect...

I really like some of home it was so hard to chose!


@MileyDallas: new video up! 💖😘 #feelsick

I was walking a lot faster on my crutches now. I was so bored! I got a text from Hayes...

H: Can we talk.

M: About?

H: what happened. Why u cheated.. Us?

M: I cheated?!?!? FGS Hayes! I can't believe you. Leave me alone. I thought you were the one but you proved me wrong..

H: you did though! I thought you were the one for me to! 😒

Ouch. He's blaming everything on me!

"Hey" Matthew says walking into cams and Nash's room.

"Hi!" You say.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Been a lot better I can walk faster too!" I said laughing.

"Want to do something today" Matt asks.

"Sure, like what?" I ask.

"Well, we could go to an aquarium? As you can't really do much" Matt says.

"I've never been to one before" you say a little scared.

"Then let's do that! I'll get VIP so we don't get bombarded" Matt says hugging me.

"Thanks" I say as I hug him back.


(3 hours later)-in sponge in voice-

"Bye" I said to cam.

"Where u going?" Cameron asked rising an eyebrow.

"Out with Matt be back later" I said leaving before he could say anything.

I met Matt downstairs and the back entrance where no one could see us so we didn't get crowded.

"Ready" he asked me.

"Sure!" I said laughing as we walked out and he helped me into the car.

(Matthews pov)

Man I loved Miley. As a best friend anyway! She was really cute.

We were in the car on the way to the aquarium.

"Here" the driver said. We both got out and went in a secrete entrance where no one could see us.

"Where shall we go first" I asked her.

"Let's do a loop around the whole thing" Miley said.

"Ok!" I said.

We walked around and saw some amazing fish and creatures.

"Let's go in the tunnel!!!" Miley screamed as she walked quickly through it. I'm not sure she knows she will be surrounded by sharks..


"AHHHHH THERES A FUCKING SHARK ITS GONNA EAT ME ALIVE" I heard her scream and nearly run on her crutches to me.

"It's ok I got you" I said laughing.

"I'm never watching jaws again!!!!" Miley said shaking.

"Let's go this way instead lol" I said laughing.

@MattEspinosa: Day Out With @MileyDallas aka BestFriend! #wedontlikesharks! 😘

We had some lunch and walked around a bit more. Miley got to hold a baby turtle which she really enjoyed.

"We should get going soon it's 5pm" I laughed.

"WOW! Aha yeah!" Miley agreed.

We both got back in the car and drove to the hotel.

We got out the car and walked into the hotel outside all the rooms.

"THERE YOU GUYS ARE!!" Jack said. The boys following.

"Aha hi!" Miley said laughing.

"We were all gonna watch a movie if you guys wanted to join us" Shawn said.

"Sure" I said.

"So what did you guys do??" Cameron asked.

"We went to the aquarium" Matt said.

"Nearly got eaten" I said.

"And were shat on my baby turtles" Matt said as we both started laughing. Hayes left at this point.

(Miley's Pov)

We all walked into Shawn and jacks room and started talking whilst some of the boys were choosing a movie.

"Miley your walking better now" Nash said giving me a hug.

"Yeah much better! They still hurt like hell but not as much" I said.

"what about Jaws?" I heard someone say.


Everyone was in hysterics especially Matt.

"What about toy story? Or the little mermaid?" I said trying to compromise.

"We will protect you smiley!" Nash said.

"Ok then" I said.

"Oh yeah and I think your fans should be called smilerz" Nash said.

"Of course you would" I laughed.

The movie started and we all watched it. I got scared at some points. I ended up hugging onto all the boys throughout the entire movie. It was scary!!!


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